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MZ- NH600 - help transferring tracks required

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alright. now heres what happening. i pulled the unit out of the box new got a the himd disc for it. installed the updated software and drivers ect. put the dist in. put a battery. connected it to my computer imported my library to the software....try to transfer data and it fails.... the device looks like its in a reconnect cycle and freezes up.... reboot it plug it in.... then a lil error pops up saying its been initialized by a different computer and then it disconnects and goes into that reconnect cycle again....WTF am i doing wrong?

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All right, we need more info.

First, if you used the included CD to install Sonicstage, you're using the old version. Get SS 4.3

What OS?

The "imported my library to the software" doesn't sound too clear. If you mean you imported existing songs to SonicStage to build a library, then that's okay. Is the disc a blue Hi-MD, or one of the first generation black and red ones (those tend to die on people on a whim). How are you transferring data? Is SS open when you try to transfer data (documents and such) to the hi-Md as if it was a floppy using drag and drop?

Can you take screen captures (printScrn and then paste on MSPaint, save as JPEG, then post here) so you can show us, step by step what you're doing?

I suggest you first connect the unit, wait until it's recognized. Close any Explorer windows that open, THEN fire up SonicStage.

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