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NW-HD3 Wont Transfer Music From PC Anymore - HELP?!

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Following many months of happy downloading music from my PC to the HD3, something strange has happened.

First of all when I connected the HD3 to the PC, my PC wouldn't recognise it, telling me that the appropriate driver wasn't installed.

So I uninstalled SonicStage, and downloaded an updated version from the Sony website.

My PC now intermittently recognises the HD3 when attached to it, and it knows what recorded music still needs to be transferred to the HD3, however when I press the transfer button the PC/software just tries and tries and tries to transfer the music, and then gives up after 10 or 15 minutes.

Is there anyone out there that can help me as I love my HD3, think it's a great piece of kit, and don't want to have to get rid of it?

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I'm having a similar problem... Well, my computer makes the ding noise saying that the Nw-HD3 is connected, and it goes through the "install" process in the bottom right corner of the screen, but SS 4.0 doesn't see my player. It's REALLY annoying not being able to use my player since I formatted it to erase all the music off of it so I could redo my library. Anyone have any ideas? Thank in advance!!!

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Might sound stupid but did you guys try changing the USB cable? Another idea is to clean the contacts on the mini-dock connector. You'll notice that the little black part slides down to reveal the contacts--clean those with a q-tip and rubbing alcohol.

You can also clean the contacts on the HD3 itself in a similar manner as you'll see one part of the connector actually pushes in when the dock connects to it.

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