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wtb: Hi-MD in Uk urgent

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Really want to buy a HI-MD on the cheap (cant afford the 60 quid on amazon for a NH600 even).

Im off to Sierra Leone with VSO and wish to take something out that I can do decent field recordings on, as well as use for music etc. If anyone in the UK has anything they wish to sel lme please get in touch. If anyone is interested, i'll even px my Phillips GoGear 8gb. (no box/phones/software only lead) which works fine.

Cheers guys.


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I can't really help, but just a couple of thoughts:

What is the power supply like in Sierra Leone? If it's unreliable, I should make sure that you choose a model which runs off AA batteries (like the NH700 or NHF800) or has an external AA battery case (e.g. NH900; RH10)

DON'T bid for the NH600D currently on ebay in the UK. (It's advertised as NH6000, but I think he means 600D). It has no microphone input.

Edited by Hungerdunger
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