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NH700 problems with remotes

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Hi people,

I bought MZ-NH700 this week on ebay and it came with 2 remotes - one with display RM-MC10L and one without display RM-MC21.

Neither of them works. I mean i can hear the sound but controls do not work. The same remotes work OK with my other walkman (MZ-NH800).

Seller claims they were bought with NH700 and should work so I have walkman I can use with just headphones and 2 useless remotes. Is there anything in settings where this is enabled or they were never meant to be used with NH700?



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The RM-MC10L should definitely work with your NH700 - I just it with mine and it's fully functional. The 2L should presumably also, by association, as it works with your NHF800, since that and the NH700 are virtually identical. Even the NHF800's radio remote should work with the NH700. There's no way (that I know of) to turn on and of the remote functionality, except perhaps via some sort of service mode hack, but that seems unlikely. It's more likely to be a dirty or damaged remote jack on the NH700. Perhaps you could try cleaning it out by blowing air, or swabbing with a tissue. Professional reapir or replacement would be prohibitvely costly, if indeed at all possible.

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thanks for reply

well, the remote from NH800 does not work with this one. Cleaned it with alcohol - no luck. Pants... will have to be used it with just headphones, shame, I got it for my friend as well ...

will sell remotes then as i won't use them

Edited by itdpp
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Echo that suggestion. I actually cannibalised a brand new remote once because the hold button was on. Mind you, it didn't SHOW as on, so it's possible you need to trick it into moving, hopefully without disassembly (that's when I wrecked it).

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