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New Moderators

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I would disagree with SFBP , one of the reasons , is that he tends to give advice about Audio , that he doesnt himself understand ........ . Software he might know , but Audio is a different animal . I think the key requirements should be an understanding of the subject that can be verified , and the ability to LISTEN as well . As a Moderator , hearing what is a legitimate issue , and the ability to get both sides of the issue , would be a requirement . As well as Time to devote to the Board .

I will decline the offer , although the fact that my name was raised , is greatly appreciated ( makes me feel quite good actually ) .

Most of all a basic LOVE for all things MD .......


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I am very close to approaching 3-4 people about moderator positions. Please understand that the people I'm considering represent absolute knowledge of the forum and it's subject, have an excellent track record in their interactions with others, and are completely fair and unbiased in their interactions.

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I am very close to approaching 3-4 people about moderator positions. Please understand that the people I'm considering represent absolute knowledge of the forum and it's subject, have an excellent track record in their interactions with others, and are completely FLAIR and UNBALANCED in their Contractions.

SUUURRRE they are !!! :crazy:

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