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Batch MP3 to oma conversion tool?

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Is anyone aware of any utility already created which will perform batch conversions (trans-coding) of MP3 files into oma ATRAC3plus format? I have ended up with a large number of MP3 files which I wish to import into SS for transfer to various MD and Sony DAP devices and perfer the ATRAC format.

To my ears, even a trans-coded file sounds fine.

I want to be able to point the tool ad a directory structure of MP3 files and let it rip, resulting in a new collection of high bit rate oma files.

If such a tool does not exist, I have the capability to create one but will need to research the appropriate OMG libraries to perform the conversions. Is anyone aware of any documented API details for the OMG libraries included with SS?

Thanks in advance.

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Ok, so I have found reference to an actual tool created by Sony to perform the exact function I need. I just cannot find the install file ...

Check this out: http://forums.sonyinsider.com/index.php?showtopic=11908&st=0&p=72271&hl=SMFCUSETUP09152EXE&fromsearch=1&#entry72271

And a reference to the tool on an old Connect page: http://www.connect.com/download_mp3Conv.html

Does anyone know where I can find the insyall file named "SMFCUSetup09152.exe"?

I have a dozen or so old SonicStage installation disks, I will dig them out and look through them to see if the tool was included in an older version.

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I'll try to track it down ...

Well, I have only been able to locate discs for v1.5, v2.0 and v3.0 ... The utility I need is not on any of them. I am also having trouble finding any full installers for v2.2. Every download service I have found online these days is a scam of some sort and I do not trust them. The only version readily available is v4.3.

If anyone has a personal archive of old full installs for SonicStage, perhaps they would be willing to share the files with me.


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Well, I have only been able to locate discs for v1.5, v2.0 and v3.0 ... The utility I need is not on any of them. I am also having trouble finding any full installers for v2.2. Every download service I have found online these days is a scam of some sort and I do not trust them. The only version readily available is v4.3.

If anyone has a personal archive of old full installs for SonicStage, perhaps they would be willing to share the files with me.


I have 2.1 here but I am not sure where to look without running the whole install. This takes a spare machine that I do not have (ie one I havent got SoS on already, that I don't care about). Silly really, I should do it all with virtualbox but it seems like too much effort

Maybe someone can point out which sub-install it is, I would be willing to try and find it off the 2.1 disk if so.

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