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  • 2 weeks later...

You won't be able to ***upload*** via USB. But it is possible you can record it via line-in during playback on the NH700 (I know this is suboptimal but when you gotta have it you gotta have it). No idea what software on the Mac end is needed.

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  • 5 months later...

You won't be able to ***upload*** via USB. But it is possible you can record it via line-in during playback on the NH700 (I know this is suboptimal but when you gotta have it you gotta have it). No idea what software on the Mac end is needed.

Stephen, I really wonder whether you have completely forgotten about our project. Of course it is possible to upload tracks you recorded with your HiMD with our software "QHiMDTransfer".

Just use this version for MacOS 10.6/Intel:


Or this version on 10.5/PPC:


For more information, please go here:



Since you are an administrator here, it would be nice if you could pin this information on top of all threads.

We definitely have the _only_ software which allows MD functionality on non-Windows platforms like MacOS and Linux, so people should be able to easily find this piece of information. I'm sometimes a bit frustrated when I have to explain over and over again that there are ways to use your NetMD/HiMD on Linux and MacOSX while people keep asking these questions all the time ;). We have the solution, so let the world know.

I think I will start a separate post with all information which would be nice if it was pinned to the top of the other threads.


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Hi Adrian,

Last time I checked, it was not possible to do this without compiling source code and inserting a secret key (to break the secret encryption that Sony is not willing to share with the world). That is something your average Mac user is so far from being able to do, that it is pointless making one specific claim with qualifications, when the existing software from Sony will work on the platforms for which it was designed, namely all second and third generation units.

You are perfectly right, it is possible to read HiMD's on an NH700 with this software. I have done it.

The last time I dared to utter encouragement to Mac users, it caused me to get into a huge fight and leave the board (involuntarily) as a moderator for almost a year. So I have stopped posting commercials here until I know that the project is closer to being usable by non-computer-software types. Sounds like that is a couple of months away at least. I myself have undertaken to do some of the work however have been sidetracked by a little project of mine that is rather older in origin.

For 99.9% of all the users who come here asking, it's hopeless to add so many qualifications that their heads spin. Most would rather buy an RH1 or RH10/910 than fire up C compilers.

The biggest problem with LMD is that you cannot go the other way (to the MD), even with the noted conditions.

If you would prefer, we can have this discussion privately. But I would ask that you pursue "truth in advertising" at the present time.



PS when I wrote that response it was most definitely true. The "fragment" problem was not solved for several months after that response, meaning that the majority of files would not be uploadable anyway.

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