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Sony MDS JB980,no software, what do I need?

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Hi Folks

Just won a Sony MDS JB980 (UK) unit on ebay, no software.

Tried looking for in jB980 topics in these forums for what to download, but am reading some puzzling (out-of-date?) instructions.

First, SonicStage "ultimate", supposed to be available "here".

I've downloaded/installed - is that what is meant?

If not, where is "ultimate" ?

Second - it's not clear whether that includes the right drivers.

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You'll need the "deck drivers" which I hope I have attached as an upload to this post. At least, I hope that these are the ones.

"Ultimate" refers to Avrin's version that cleans up a fair amount of crap from the install such as the Connect Store stuff (Connect no longer exists) and uses the most up to date OpenMG modules (hence the name, since you are unlikely ever to need another update from Sony).

The downloads sections has been missing for a long time (almost a year) and I have complained but to no avail. Sorry.


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