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Atrac CD

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I have lots of CDs all full of music using the Atrac format. Ive downloaded the mp3 converter tool and sonic stage. The problem im having is when I run mp3 converter tool it doesent seem to find the atrac files. I have saved some of the cd files onto my laptop so easier to find but it still doesent find them. Even when the CD is in the drive and I run the tool it still doesent recognise them. I know the files are on there for 2 reasons, 1 when i click on th cd it shoes them as ATP files, 2 when I put on sonic stage they show up as the actual individual cds in here (also what I cant understand is, how to play them in sonic stage).

So if anyone can help me with this problem it would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance

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4 answers to this question

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It is my understanding, and others may confirm, that once you burn ATRAC CDs, there is now way to get the files back off of the CDs in a usable form. They will only play in an ATRAC CD player. You would need to play the music and record in real time.

You must not have the original albums still in SS?

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Oh right so there is no way of getting the music off the CDs at all shame. But all albums show up in sonic stage I can see them all I cant even play them so the only way to change the files to mp3 is if I have them already on files on my laptop? I do have most of the individual albums but some were borrowed.

So all my atrac cds are obsolete if I dont have a cd player that plays atrac?

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First the good news: there is a slim possibility that eventually we can get the data back. It depends on some work that's going on over at the #linux-minidisc project.

Now the bad news: you MUST (for the moment) have a CD player designed for ATRAC. If you want to get a decent line out signal, one solution is to mount one of the car units in a slot designed for a CD/DVD drive in a PC. The voltages are right, just a little bit of work getting screws that will hold it in.

Somewhere there's a nice article about how to do this. Then you can at least get an analog signal with decent levels to re-capture on some device with no restrictions.

When you say you "have" them, how did you play them before? Sony never allowed them to play on a PC, only to be made on a PC. It sounds like maybe you inherited them from someone.

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Oh right I just wanted them as mp3's seems im gonna have to wait then, so it is worth waiting to see if they bring summin out to convert atrac cd's to mp3's? I originally copied them all before I went travelling in 2005 through sonic stage on to disc some albums were mine some were borrowed. I have most of the albums in the loft somewhere just seems a teedius job to vcopy them all again. Well at least I know now, so I gues ill keep my ear to the ground for this linux system.

Thanks everyone

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