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Any Premastered MD for a blank 74/80 minute?

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I have 2 that I don't have cases for. They are NOW 43 and Bruce Springteen - Born To Run. Let me know if you are interested in either of these.

I'm interested in Now 43, it seems a bit more expendable then Springsteen...

Now then, I'm gonna go check with my local postal authority how much stamps to send stuff to Pennsylvania would be.

Edit: It Costs $7.20 CDN to send a minidisc to you, and about $4 US to send yours to me :)

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Edit: It Costs $7.20 CDN to send a minidisc to you, and about $4 US to send yours to me :)

No way.

I routinely send MD's to the UK for the cost of a 50g letter (between $2 and $3). Never once has one been returned. Your postofficeperson is probably inexperienced, if you went to your local 7-11 or equivalent franchisee post office.

I use CD mailers, if that's any help. Very cheap. No slipcase required, and its lack means the package is that much thinner and therefore more likely to pass the postal inspectors as being thin enough.

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