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Panasonic SC HD505 - micro system


Manufacturer description

Not only does the SC-HD505 sound elegant, but it also looks stunning. The system's sophisticated burnished aluminum panel design on the exterior reflects Panasonic dedication to hi-fi technology on the interior. Its stylish, modern look is combined with a subtle retro feel in the front panel's toggle switches and knurled volume knob, while the wooden speaker cabinets and attractive front baffles provide a singular visual style to your setup. Innovative blue side lighting accentuates the microsystem's striking features. This lighting casts a moody tint on the front control panel, and shows the status of your stereo operations at a glance. When the power is OFF, the display blends nicely into the metallic front panel. This system is as interesting to look at, as the music is to hear. This system's single-CD player is equipped with MASH 1-bit digital-to-analog converters (DAC) and a digital servo system, to virtually eliminate distortion. Additionally, the SC-HD505 is CD-TEXT ready, which means that specially encoded discs will display CD title, song name, and artist on the front panel. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) edit feature makes recording and editing CDs to tape easier than ever. For music requiring something a little extra, Brisk Low Frequency Sound (BLFS) delivers crisp bass, unobtainable by simply boosting the bass tone in your speakers. BLFS is ideal for dance music, as it brings out bass and drums without detracting from vocal clarity. A feature normally found only on large high-end separate components, the SC-HD505 component cassette deck is conveniently horizontal loading, for easy, quick tape loading and smooth tape transport. High-speed fast-forward/rewind controls are twice as fast as on standard Panasonic decks. The high-speed tape mechanism also accelerates the Tape Program Search (TPS) feature, which helps you locate your favorite song. And to protect the fidelity of your favorite cassettes, a microprocessor slows down the playback mechanism when it detects the end of the spool's length to ensure safe handling of the magnetic tape. The Panasonic Multi-Drive Bi-Amp gives you incredible sound quality and power. The efficient Bi-Amp design uses a dividing network to split the amplifier output into separate high and low signals, which are then amplified by separate amps. A high-efficiency voltage drive amp delivers massive power to the PP mica woofer, while a current drive amp provides the clean amplification desired for the compact balanced dome tweeter. Bi-Amp/ Bi-Wiring gives you an excellent balance between power and sound quality. This Microsystem's woofer is made of a composite of polypropylene (PP) and natural mica. This composite has high rigidity and internal loss, extending its performance response beyond the bass register up into the midrange for clear reproduction of guitar and vocal tone.

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Philippe, no disrespect intended. I know you have a good heart, and a big MD fan. I just was a little surprised (and curious). I suppose we could move it out of the MD section.

Best would be to post something about the 5CD/5MD. I don't *think* anyone made a multi-MD recording gadget (the MDX-66XLP clearly plays back!) with MDLP, so always curious. The D5C of course has 1MD, 5 CD's.

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I can find hundreds of bookshelves and boomboxes here in HCM city (Saigon) but as you are, I am specialized in MD stuff ! Even without searching, my eyes can fall on rarities like Denon D-M05 (http://www.minidisc....enon_D-M05.html). In most of the shops in Nhat Tao district, they lack so much places that there are dozens and dozens of electronic decks of 70's to 90's stacked in their backrooms. Because of that, it is not easy to find a unit in particular and in a perfect aesthetic condition or even with a remote. The most difficult things to support is that everything is dirty and when you ask for something you get wrong answers. For example they often say that they can find you this or that but in fact they lie (it is just to force you to buy what they have, same same) or they get it twice the price you can pay yourself just crossing the street. The good thing is that you don't need to go far away to find another shop. Funny thing is that you find a shop selling brans new high-end electronics and McIntosh vintage amplificators behind the one selling ugly boomboxes. Sadly as there are some buildings rising around, many shops dissapear, for example the one where I bought my Onkyo Fr-SX7 and also found several Sony DHC-MDxxx bookshelves.

Anyhow a unique post about suggesting to complete the minidisc.org browser equipment is a good idea.

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