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Sharp MT-877 stuck with Md-Er80

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I have done the realignment routines on a couple of Sharp units, but not this particular model. These were the MD-MT190 and MT200. To be honest, I can't remember even how to get into service mode, but it is documented. Alignment is not as simple as for Sony models. It is very convoluted, and the Sharp manuals are abysmal - I read them as if they are 'reminder notes' handed out at a full service briefing. That is, the engineers are taken through the concepts and the required steps, but the manuals are written in a kind of shorthand only understandable by the privileged few!

I may be able to look at it for you, but I doubt I could walk you through the routines without having an MT877 - which I have not. And you will need the right discs. And it is possible you have changed a setting that can only be reset with special tools or knowledge, although I doubt this. But I have never taken a Sharp down to a 'blank' EEPROM and always started with one that is (or was) working and that has not been tinkered with.

Whereabouts in the world are you?


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Hi, and thanks for answering :)

I live in the close neibourhood of Paris, France.

I'll try to at least get into the test mode again, but if special tools or disk are needed to reset the thing, then I think I'll have to face the consequences of beeing too carefree while fooling around with dangerous games and accept the fact that it's dead ;)

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Hi again febed01. Do you want to send it to me to see what I can do? I am unsure how much air mail post is for you to send to me, but return postage is around 3.00 GBP for just the unit on its own (no accessories required). If so PM me with your email address and I will send you my postal address. It will not cost much to do - I may even be able to fix it for nothing if it is a simple job. I would just need reimbursing for costs.


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