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I bought the Sony Reader PRS-T1 (WiFi)

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129€ tax free (CDG airport, Paris), red color.

I just regret that the shop did not have a white color unit. Nevermind, the red color is beautiful enough. Now I know that I would have had to buy the fitted red wallet (30€). I did not test the sound quality yet.

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I have the pre-WiFi version (also red) and it is a lovely piece of gear. If I was starting now perhaps would get one of these (the price is definitely right) but we got it at the time for a specific purpose and it performed admirably. The one other difference is that I see it uses microSD instead of SD, but that's mostly a matter of an adapter, with MicroSD becoming so common.

The reviewers on Amazon are right - functionally this machine is more capable than the competition. It doesn't have the same ease of use as Kindle, but it's more flexible. The sound (MP3) is quite decent.

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  • 4 months later...

I dig the subject again to tell you that you can download dozens of huge ebooks librairies (epub, mobi, pdf...), specially complete "calibre" librairies, using a web site like bitsnoop.com and a torrent downloader like bitorrent. Maybe you don't authorized yourself to do so but it is just to tell how me I got my ebooks.

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