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Custom accesories -- cases, racks?

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I guess this will be as fruitful as asking about an OSX-minidisc interface, but: is anyone at all making MD racks anymore? I have way more mds than rack space, and I rarely see old ones on ebay. When I do, it's usually the old crappy flimsy plastic ones. My favorite ones are quality wooden ones...can't find those anywhere anymore. You'd think maybe someone with craft skills would try making some on Etsy...but I can't find any.

Another thing that seems to be gone for good: md player cases. I always use these when taking a portable on the road. The best were the old leather/velcro Minidisco ones, custom sized to a range of players. Never see those on ebay. Lately I've been taking out the RH10 for walks etc., but without a case, so I can easily use the OLED display...but the flip side is I get a bit edgy about drops and scratches. I was thinking it would be awesome to get a case for RH10 that had a plastic window to allow a view of the front display. So...did anyone ever make one like this?

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I don't have your problem :crazy: . As I live in Vietnam, there are a ton of cases which fitted (not perfectly sometime) for all MD portable units and also MD racks, specially in japanese accessories shops. You can also use cigar boxes and even vine corks as I explain in my olds posts here :

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The Japanese company Muji, which has shops in many countries including England, still makes quite nice MiniDisc storage racks. The do a small storage box that holds 30 discs for £4.95 and a larger partitioned rack which holds 113 discs for a reasonable £13.95. Both are made in Muji's understated style out of clear acrylic.

I went to my local shop in Guildford and they had plenty of stock. There is also stock at their online store.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I still use the old Plano 3730 tackle boxes. They used to sell them at one of the minidisc websites years ago, but you can still find them in some Kmart or Walmart locations for around $6-7.00. They fit well over 120 discs without cases. They're pretty tight with the lids, too. Good for long term storage...

If you are not in the US, I would check just about any place that sells fishing gear... :imsohappy:

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