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NetMd driver for deck MDS-JE780

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I have tried in W8, W7 and in XP but could not load drivers for MDS-JE780. Anyone could help or have the correct driver for w8, w7 or xp? (Maybe i could't find the correct one).


I disabled driver signature on w8 and got no luck. 


My MZ-N707 works fine with Sonicstage 4.3 but MDS-JE780 does not.


Thanks for your helps.

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Well... you can not make them all work at once.


For XP you can use the driver here, regardless of whether the original one with the deck works:



For Windows-64 (likely the version of 7 & 8) you need:



AFAIK the 780 is the same as the 980.


You are welcome to poke inside the driver and figure out what PID the device is presenting (look in the yellow question mark entry in Device Manager). The MDS-JB980 is x0081. If it's the same, your only problem is you didn't have the driver I just sent link to.


Good luck!

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