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Replacement drive belts for various decks.

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I've stumbled across a company that manufactures custom drive belts for a selection of MiniDisc decks plus other Walkman and D.A.T. units and I thought it might be useful information for others on the forums requiring new belts for their units.

I'd be interested to know what parts they would supply in a belt kit for the few MiniDisc Walkmans listed though as none of them have any belts as far as I'm aware.



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On a point of information, my reading of that site is that the guy says he imports them from Japan. His prices are rather steep. Shipping charge of $26.25 outside USA is rather ridiculous because these belts weigh about 2-5 grams (I am guessing) and can easily go in any letter at no more than the cost of a single stamp.

His list is far from complete. The loading belt for MDS-JE640 which I recently replaced, part 4-227-025-01 which is standard among a lot of the deck drives is available from at least 2 sources and should be around $5.

A complete set of belts for the MXD-D5C (5 belts) is available from Germany (on eBay) for about $20. Currently item 400652274240, seller is "ch5oh". The same guy (I just bought that set from him and it worked perfectly) has lots and lots of other belts eg the JE640 one mentioned which is item number 400427074241 and goes for 4.45 Euros.

Jim has supplies of the belt for the 640 and all similar units which he uses for servicing. They need to be kept in a dark place to prevent premature aging of the rubber. One of the most frequent failures in these roughly 15-year-old decks is the failure to eject, which is almost invariably the belt's fault.

I too find the listings for MD walkmen rather odd. Perhaps the models made very early on had belts, like the MZ1 (which hardly justifies the name "portable" more like "luggable" along the lines of the original Compaq computer). But many of the MZ- models have, as you say, no belts. The more I look at this, it seems the guy may not really know what he's doing.


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