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MZ-N707 disable group functions?

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Don't use it (the group function)?

10 minutes later..... after looking at the manual, it's clear. In multiple places you will see the statement that pressing the GROUP button for 2 seconds or more will toggle the group function on and off.

Why on earth would anyone actually want to disable this? The problem (IMO) with group function is not that there are folders (groups) but that they can not be nested, ie there's only one level of structure possible on a MD.

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Well, when using sonic stage, if you transfer tracks ONLY across the the netmd device then when you play them the tracks don't play. The device seems to be looking for a group header. If you transfer a whole album or playlist it automatically creates a group and everything is OK.I've looked at the manual and ccouldn't find the disable text.

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Sonic Stage does use folders, it's true. I will check this observation as it does seem weird. The contrary is true. Tracks on an md get a folder named with the disk even if there are no folders. The docs say something about all unregistered tracks being considered to be in the last group on the disk. So all tracks are in a group.

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