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SS 1.5 versus SS4.3

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Hi All

So, I have 2 machines side by side - one, a venerable XP item, the other a W10. The XP machine is running SS 1.5 and the W10 4.3. Here's the question - in 1.5 I can import a CD and transfer to an MD at the same time, but in 4.3 it looks like I have to import the CD to 'My Library' first and then transfer to an MD in a separate operation - which seems a bit retrograde and definitely more time consuming...unless I'm missing a setting somewhere? Any tips much appreciated.


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Sorry about that. None of the early software will run on 64 bits. I seriously doubt if you can solve your problem with VirtualXP, either. However, it IS possible to run M-Crew, but at the loss of direct CD reading. Virtual CDs won't help, either, the code is doing timing stuff with the hardware to get you a good rip.

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