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sharp MD not working - looking for repair/help

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New to the forum and was a little confused about whether Sharp MDs are welcome or part of this forum.


I have a SHARP MD-MT-290. It powers up but when I put in a disc it says 'open' on the display. I don't see anything

in the manual that explains what that means. Would be happy to attempt repair if i had a little knowledge

about what to do. Alternatively, I would consider getting a professional repair assuming the cost estimate

was reasonable. 


I have a collection of recorded discs, many of vocal/voice lessons, that were recorded at LP2 or LP4.

They will not play on the home audio Sony player I was recently gifted. I would very much like to be

able to recover the recordings that I had made. Open to suggestions. I'm aware I could probably

buy a used Sharp recorder/player on eBay if it comes to that. Perhaps that ultimately would

be what makes the most sense.

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5 hours ago, Jim Nagle said:

a little confused about whether Sharp MDs are welcome or part of this forum.

Of course you're welcome! Especially as you're MD!


My Google-Foo has failed me on searching for any documentation on your machine. At an outside guess, is the clamshell not closing/seating properly?



ps Jim could you add your location to your profile?

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You're going to be taking it apart. As I don't know how to find a service manual, may I humbly suggest you might be better off solving your problem by spending a few bucks on a different MD.

I would think that a deck might be your best option, as you cannot transfer FROM any portable to PC. A deck with optical out, however....

See for example: https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/k424387718

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Yes the MDS-JB940 is the go-to MDLP deck. If you get it, I'm jealous :)

I tried ebay.com but all overpriced and not much you really want there. Ebay.co.uk may be better but you have a shipping problem. Shipping by buyee is really fast, and you can choose some cheap options if you look carefully. Good company to deal with.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I've checked out eBay the last couple days. There are a couple of Sharp units currently on auction.

What's not clear to me is whether any of these units will play back in LP2 or LP4.

One unit says it can record monaurally but doesn't say anything about those other recording modes.

Frustrating trying to discern whether a givenm model has LP2/LP4 playback capability.

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