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Behaviour of Sony TV (KD-65X9300D) after connecting an ARC Ultra

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After connecting the ARC Ultra to my Sony KD-65X9300D via the HDMI ARC port I find that when I turn of the TV and it’s left in standby for some period e.g. overnight, then the next time I turn the tv on it does a complete reboot. This can take 3-5 mins to complete and is totally annoying. Anyone come across this? Any suggestions on how to config the ARC or the TV? Granted it’s an old model tv, still I don’t see why connecting something to a HDMI port (I have a Pioneer Blu-ray and a no-name internet video receiver connected as well) can cause this problem. The Sony tv performed perfectly before this albeit there were a few hiccups occasionally which simply required powering off and on at the wall to correct. 



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My recollection/experience is that the effect of enabling the feature(s) which allow something at the other end of the HDMI cable to power on/off a device are fraught with difficulty. Sometimes it works, and if so, leave it, you are lucky. Clearly you hit one of the cases that doesn't work, and should resign yourself to powering the TV and soundbar on and off separately. You might even buy a programmable remote that turns them both on (and off) together.

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BTW, I think a lot of trouble arises from the idea of "HDMI passthrough". I have an AV receiver which even in standby mode passes the last connected source to the projector. I wonder if this might be related to your problem, ie the power-saving settings on the PC?

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