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regular minidisc vs. hi-md minidisc

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well then i hope my sigs arent to big.

but anyways i just realized.. any MD disc that is recorded on a Hi-MD player wont play in older MD players will they. because they are "formated" different.

so does that mean the minidiscs i have now wont play? as in, will i lose whats on them now when they are reformatted? i dont remember that bieng on ur faq but i figure if this thread is here already i might as well make use of it. :grin:

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ok nevermind i checked myself again and i saw my answer but it brought up new questions.

[i edited this because i didnt need the original questions answered]

but i have a question. if you are using a optical out doesnt it automatically divide the tracks by itself? because i wanted to get highest quality music even if im only gonna get a cds worth of music. how does the hi-md unit know where to divide the tracks? because if i wanted to do real time recording i dont wanna sit there the whole time hitting pause after each song haha. i tried this before on my dvd player and it just recorded as one long track and someone said some dvd players just play "blank" noise instead of actually stopping.

but then again i dont want to have to put in the names all individually. but is doing realtime recording with an optical cable gonna give me much better quality then using sonicstage to transfer music w/usb?

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sorry i edited it.. tried to before any1 replied. but i was reading the faq and i couldnt realy find answers to what im wondering about now.

and wow thank god that site has easy to understand charts for stupid people like me haha i was looking for something just like that.

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Ill take a stab at the answers

It would be best to use the bundled software that comes with the Hi-MD to copy the audio off of your PC's CD drive and onto the Hi-MD, doing it this way will name all the track's and should put them into a folder as required. You can currently use Atrac3plus 256Kbps for the highest quality, and as soon as the patch to v2.1 (I believe) you will also be able to copy in PCM format (Raw uncompressed, same as a CD)

However, the slower way is:

If your CD player supports sending track marks over the SPDIF (Optical) link (AFAIK 99% of CD players do, not sure on DVD) then the Hi-MD should place the track marks at the relevent locations. However you will then have to title each track by hand (can be a pain in the ......), just read the manual as some functions will disable the Hi-MD from reading track marks from the data stream & I believe you have to be playing in standard mode on the CD as well (Not programed or shuffle mode)

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