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Yay ! I get the very first post in the entire Md forums here at the Sony Insider place holder .

Set that aside , Lets talk MD's ......... Hardoff , had been flooded with them and I am in Japan . My kid has now gotten hooked on MD's he does NOT want an iPod , but wants Older ANALOGUE gear ( and he is 14 years old ) Dad did good !!!

My Kid now has x2 MZ-R50's and a Sony CD Player , a Fiio E3 Headphone Amp , and a set of Big Panasonic Studio Phones ....... ( But he secretly begs for my Sennheisers , and I think he even think he sneaks them out of my room when I am not around )

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Welcome to the SI forums, we will now slowly convert you to the new drag and drop sony mp3 players :D

j/k I used to be an MD man but found that speed is issue for me when transferring songs onto a device and drag and drop is a major plus over the MD and which older analog gear do you mean? a cassette walkman?

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Welcome to the SI forums, we will now slowly convert you to the new drag and drop sony mp3 players :D

j/k I used to be an MD man but found that speed is issue for me when transferring songs onto a device and drag and drop is a major plus over the MD and which older analog gear do you mean? a cassette walkman?

Hello . .......... I dont mind the speed issue at all , the world is moving to fast for my taste .

But as to Analogue gear , here is one hint ,,,,,, we are rebuilding an old TC- 2860SD Portable stereo cassette recorder , Have all the circuit working now . Just ned to find the Belt for it , as that the Belt is way loose .

But Record functions and Play FFW RRW , Mic inputs everything else are working nicely .

I had a TCD-5M that the flywheel motor and some other irreplaceable parts fried on me ........... I cried over that one . That Tape deck with a good Metal tape in it and My AT 822 , was better than any digital recorder I have used . Warmth , Fatness , Clarity . Pristine capture of the subtlest of Nature , to a Raging Thunderstorm , or Rock concert .

I like Drag and drop , and have the Tascam DR07 for that . But My HiMd the RH1 works Perfectly with my Mac , so if I use it to record the Upload is basically Painless , just enough time to get a cup of coffee and it is done .

Me and My Kid also like the 12 inch Vinyl sound ..... He has a very good set of ears ( Have no idea where he got them .... he he he he ) But I am slowly getting him into audio engineering .

We spend a fair amount of time browsing Audio shops and Recycle shops looking at older Studio Reel to Reels . There is a Fostex R8 sitting at one place for about 200 dollars in Pristine condition , but I am not doing studio work anymore .

Drag and Drop is good for Grab and Go ......... but I am not on the Run .....

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Yay ! I get the very first post in the entire Md forums here at the Sony Insider place holder .

Set that aside , Lets talk MD's ......... Hardoff , had been flooded with them and I am in Japan . My kid has now gotten hooked on MD's he does NOT want an iPod , but wants Older ANALOGUE gear ( and he is 14 years old ) Dad did good !!!

My Kid now has x2 MZ-R50's and a Sony CD Player , a Fiio E3 Headphone Amp , and a set of Big Panasonic Studio Phones ....... ( But he secretly begs for my Sennheisers , and I think he even think he sneaks them out of my room when I am not around )


I suggest that you buy your son a pair of Grado SR60 or SR80 headphones and you'll be sneaking his if he ever takes them off. And just got the Fiio E5 headphone amp to use with my Grados...very cool and it really hepls on the subway.

I also use an AT 822, (recently discontinued I believe), for recording on my various minidiscs. And as well continue to keep and buy new much of my music, mostly jazz as I am a jazz musician, in LP format.

I don't mean to put down the Sennheisers but, you may enjoy what Grado has to offer, and the price can't be beat. I often get a sense of three dimensional sonic space, and that while listening to recordings made in the 60's.




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Hey Jazz man , nice to meet you . Yeah I have thought about a set of Grados , but havent had a chance to put them on yet . There is a Head Candy store (Not the Name of the place , just ------- ONLY Phones and Amps for Phones ) in Akihabara , I need to go back there . Way cool place .

I am a musician myself . But have " Retired "from the music biz ,

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Hey Jazz man , nice to meet you . Yeah I have thought about a set of Grados , but havent had a chance to put them on yet . There is a Head Candy store (Not the Name of the place , just ------- ONLY Phones and Amps for Phones ) in Akihabara , I need to go back there . Way cool place .

I am a musician myself . But have " Retired "from the music biz ,

Yes, nice to meet you as well.

I was over at the MD Community Forum and followed the link over here to see what the situation was. I guess this new forum has really just started. I'm a member at MDCF under the same user name. Not a lot of posts but, I check in and learn as much as I can on a regular basis.

"Retired from the music biz"...so many of us are but, we can ever really give it up. The death, after 20 plus years, of my last portable-(ha, 4lb at least)- cassette unit that had a speed control, a SonySuperscpoe, led me to minidisc about four years ago. I happened across a B-100 in a display case and had no idea what 'minidisc' was but, that wheel sticking out on the left side peaked my interest. Now I'm hopelessly hooked.

So what is your insturment and are you really retired?

By the way I got my Grados on line at a place in Washington State called the Jazz Loft (www.jazzloft.com). They are an authorized dealer, great turnaround, the owner answers the phone and they sell mostly LPs. it's worth checking out the inventory.


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Well, I just popped over to MDCF for a quick browse and the board is down..."Merge In Progress".

It felt a bit like Invasion Of the Body Snatchers. 'You can't wake up your wife right now, she's being merged into a pod but, soon you'll see, she'll be even better and so will you.'

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