Hi, first time I've been back in a while... The other day I started ruminating on what MD might have looked like today if Sony had kept at it. This is what I imagine: 1. The name would be Blu-MD. Basically all the capability of a Blu-ray but with diminished capacity, just like Hi-MD was a smaller CD. 2. Sound could be stored and played as DSD files (like an SACD), video would also be possible. 3. Titling... what was sorely missing, IMO, was the ability to have various accents on letters. Modern technology should also make foreign language support a snap. Make the firmware updateable if you need a new language (or just have them all on there in the first place, how hard can it be when memory is so cheap?). Allow directly attaching a keyboard to any unit via USB or Bluetooth. 4. No copy restrictions - fat chance, just thought I'd mention it. I know Sony has a portable DSD player now. Solid state just seems to pack a lot more data, but spinning media can be quite convenient. What do you think?