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Everything posted by Taliesin

  1. Well, I have always trust in admins in this fantastic forum, so I don'w see why I must to distrust now. If they think this is a good movement, I trust his decission. If anytime i find something wrong, then I'll complain. Meanwhile, I hope this makes minidiscforums better.
  2. One month ago my girlfriend buyed to me a PSP 2000... and what a fantastic machine it is!! Ironically, playing games is the less I made with it. Reading (books and comics), watching movies, surfing the internet...even teaching (adapting my scanned classbooks to the correct format "paper") is wonderful in it. Now it's my main on the go machine for almost everything (even has used it as gps for my holydays journey). A compact all in one that gives me the option not to carry my tablet pc with me in day to day teaching and in my frecuent weekend travels. But first I used a microsd to memory sick pro duo adapter, cheapier than the sony MSProDuo to carry a lot of things...but not magicgate compatible, what forced me to convert my sound files to mp3. Now I have buyed a 4gb sony MS in an offer, and can used my atrac3plus flies in this format...and what a change!!! The sound is a loooot better to my ears than with the mp3 files, even although I reconverted them from the cds or wav files. If the PSP just had a custom equalizer... My MD (Hi and non Hi) are still my main "weapons" to listen to music, but now, when I requiered to go light, I can take just one machine with videos, books and great music sound!! PD: of course, you have to had custom firmware to unvelied the true potencial of the PSP...another nail in Sony's account.
  3. Hey,it's seems fun. I'm game
  4. Well, I have buyed a travel blue digipod bag for my nh600 "combat unit". This is: http://www.cometform.com/acontent%20catalo...2802/138861.php (Sorry, I don't know how to insert an image not having a web album. I hope moderators don't take this as spam :S) Its main pocket is perfecto for my nh600, a remote, and a spare md, and the second pocket takes without problem the earphones and a second AA-battery. So in a small package I can take a complet travel system with two HI-MD (even three if you press it a little ). The bag feels very well made, it's made from neopren, and the zipped seems good to. I like it so much that I have buyed a second one for my girlfriend, but not the same, but another almos the twice in width, so she could take a second row of MD (well, she likes to travel well suited ). Edit for PD: wow, I liked a lot the cassettes walkman and hi-fi. Sadly, my greeeeeeeeeeat panasonic walkman dies some years ago, and here in Spain there wasn't another good one (everywhere were the damned mp3 grrrr) so I have to go full time to MD (well, not really, my Hi-Fi still have two cassette platines that return to life not few times ).
  5. Hi! Well, I know this is not a great help, but I would like to say that SonicStage 4.3 installed and worked perfectly for me under Windows 7 Beta and RC. I have no set any compatibility mode, neither W7 hass made for itself (I have taken a look just in case, but nothing is selected). And netmd were installed too without problem with sonicstage, not needed installed for me after. I remebered it well cause I have to format and reinstall from zero three days ago Maybe I have been touched by Lady Luck? Musicbringer, the only way I can recall now in order you could install SS in Windows 7 being in D: partition is download the XP mode for W7 and install under it. But then you'll have two XP installations: your main one and this virtual system. Too much space wasted, I think... The other thing I'm thinking about is... do you have SS installed in the Windows XP partition? Maybe a conflict there? You could try uninstalling it, then trying to install it in W7 and then reinstall in XP. What a job for just install the software for our minidisc... SONY, have you seen what you have messed not giving a good support to your MD customers? grrrrrrrrrr
  6. And there are my 10 €€ (at last). One question: will this software work in Windows 7?
  7. Hi cbmuser. I have click the link you posted to donate, but it takes me to an error page. Maybe something wrong in the link?
  8. Okey. Now, just one question? How can I donate my 10€????
  9. Uuuups! When I posted 10$ I meant 10€!!!! Luckly you have understood me :
  10. Hey! Count me too! I have 10$ with the name of this project!
  11. I'm not too much in converting formats, but... Since HI-md renderer failed to work in my Windows 7 beta (I have to try it in my new Windows 7 RC) I search for another program to convert atrac to mp3, aac and wma. I found switch sound file converter...and it works for me :S It converts my atrac files to all of these other codecs above. It's true that it says a "maybe not supported format" message, and also that the first version I tried only converts 1 minute of every song, but second version works perfectly for me. And it has batch conversion. And all of this with the free version, not the pro, so... I have lost something? :S PD: about versions I have mentioned, first was the actual one, and the working was an older version I have in a hard disc. Sorry, I don't have it now here, but if anybody is interested I'll search for him.
  12. Well, i was thinking the same about the new XP mode under W7, but if at last it doesn't have support to usb we still have other programs as VirtuaBox that works perfectly and have support to usb (I have tried SimpleBurner and SS and works perfectly). But, after all, SonicStage works perfectly under W7, so no problem (well, at least you use simpleburner )
  13. Uhmm, Siryus. When you say your nh600 doesn't have remote you mean it doesn't bring a remote or that it doesn't have a port for it? Also, as collector caprice I like EH70 a lot, but being practical I don't think I can justify buying it Do you think there is any posibility selling to me the nh600 and to sfpb the EH70?
  14. Hey Eric, thanks a lot. Anyone who works for this great forums is fantastic!
  15. Uuups!!! Sorry, I shuffled your names. I mean Syrius. Now I have take a look to the EH70 and I'm in doubt if I'm interested in it or not. :S Someone could help me to decide? I have two N710 that used linked to my hi-fi (I have my collection in sp, one md for one album) an RH10 (that I use to hear music with earphones at home) and one nh600 that I used outside, so want another NH600 as replacement, but don't know where an EH70 fits in my life. The EH70 doesn't play mp3s,is it? Cause if it does it would be a great gift to my girlfriend, but it need to play them (well, she's begining in MD world so his collection is still in mp3). Also, could you post the shipping costs to Spain? Thanks.
  16. Hi Guitarfxr. I'm interested in the nh600. Now I'm at work and haven't time to watch which unit EH70 is, so i don't know if it would interests me or not. I'll watch later and post my answer, but I'm really interested at least in the nh600.
  17. Hi cbmuser. Thanks for your answer. I hope ATRAC support could be a reality sooner or later cause this is the only format I use except PCM , but seeing mp3 support is a great thing too!
  18. Uau, that would be a great option too!!!
  19. Hi! I have became excited with this project. Sadly, I haven't any program knowledge, so my contribution will be just to encourage I have a question that isn't very clear to me: you have gotten transfer only mp3 format files or also atrac ones? Keep the flame on!
  20. Hi Tom. Thank you very much for your link. I have taked a look on it. It says there is a crack on it, and some scratches in the surface, so maybe price is a little high, but I'll contact to the vendor so I can get more photos. Hope this became my second RH10!! Thank you again!!
  21. Mmmmmm. Psychological warfare.... I like your style of thinking Guitarfxr
  22. Hi everybody!!! I would like to welcome my last adquisition to the MD world. Not a second RH10 ( ), not my third N710...This time I welcome...my girlfriend!!!! After her mp4 integrated battery decides it had been a long way and reduced its life to and hour and a half with each charge, and given change it is very expensive (and this isn't an ipod, just a woxter one) she asked me to search for another one, but this time that uses removable batteries (mainly AAA type). She only wants hear music in it, not watch videos nor anything else, and she never had been very exigent in sound quality, so some time ago it would have been a easy task: just buy one of that mp3 with the form and size of an AA battery. But noooo, now all you can find (at least here in Spain) are mp4 from all brands very similar (suspecly similar) to an ipod. Then I think it was a good time to try once again what I have been tried before: introduced her in MD World. And guess what? This time works!!!! It was in part by azar, given her mp3 begin to fail when we were on holydays and the only player she had access to was one of my MD: a Nh600 Hi-MD. She tried and recognize inmmediately the sound quality, and values the use of AA batteries wich she can change easily and use rechargables ones. After two days of use, she was in love!! From then, installing SonicStage in her Laptop and convinced her to begin to convert his music collection (now in mp3) to atrac (well, compromising me to do it from her and mine cds ) was sweetly. And I would like to remark that shows her HI-MD renderer to convert from atrac to other formats in case she needed was a great step. Now my second NH600 is not longer mine, but hers And I have buyed two MC33EL remotes, one for her and another one just in case. So she has discovered the power of MD quality and we have another one in the sect I mean in the group PD: now, if I can get she looks MD-buy as investments for both of us
  23. Hi guys! Since I went MD full time (just using atrac as coced for audio) I have been using Marcnet's Hi-Md Renderer for converting my sound files to mp3, wav or what needed when I have to pass them to friends or family. It has been always a wonderful program, and for me even converting to wav was easier with it that with the SonicStage function. But since I migrate to Windows 7 Beta (another good piece of software, FYI ) I can't use it. Everytime I load it, i get ar crash, or, in the rare occasions it loads, it can't convert any file to and from any format. I have had to use a virtual machine and loads there Renderer. What surprise me is that in Vista it works flawlessly, so I thought in W7 it was going to work perfectly (since it is said there is an almost perfect compatibility between the two systems). Has anyone tried it in W7? Any help? Thanks!! EDIT: Uuuups, my mistake.This would have to had been in Hi.MD Renderer Subforum. Some administrator could change it, please? Thank you
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