Of the 6 in the pics, 4 are on the recording/reading side. I would assume they would have problems.
The other two you can see are 'visible' from that side, but they are still smooth to the touch, so I dunno.
I have seen pictures with stickers attached to the actual discs, then placed back in the case - I assume they still played as normal, so I guess it's possible. Takes a bit of effort to remove and replace discs without damaging the case though.
Also, for some reason, the surfaces and materials I've been engraving seem to curve a bit as a result 😢 especially cases I have cracked open.
As to why I have so many ... I used to get bulk lots of discs from Japan auctions, in search of designs I like.
Sometimes, those discs have been through Gojira rampages, I reckon. Or the stickers are messy to remove etc etc