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Sphig last won the day on November 7 2021

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  1. PhilippeC - Thanks for the link - very interesting to see
  2. IMHO - You are missing nothing (unless I misunderstood the question) - external DACs do not reprocess already processed material - they simply take the input stream of digits and convert it to analogue - this is how you have your JA22ES set up - and yes, it is a great DAC.
  3. Still working? - Happy to help - Great stack!
  4. Hi - I simply cut the tags on the old battery and soldered the new battery to the stubs left behind
  5. Good story Matt - and you live in an amazing part of the world to wander and to wonder....
  6. PaoloB - Yes please let us know more about sourcing the spur gear.....
  7. I'll try to get hold of a donor JB940 - Thanks
  8. From UK - a donor machine would be good if I could find one at a good price
  9. Kris/Philippe - I desperately need a Digital board for a JA333ES - do either of you know where I might get one? - Page 50 in service manual
  10. Don't know if this helps - found a copy in my archives.....
  11. The mainboard battery for the deck is a flat topped AA - at a squeeze you can push fit a standard rechargeable AA (NiCd or NiMH) - they will actually go in, just persevere - I have fitted to six of my units. The flat topped versions are available on ebay. The Lip8 carcass contains a standard 14650 battery - just open the carcass along the seam (there are a couple of self locking tabs) - carefully remove the old battery by pulling off the tags with pliers and insert the new one - no need to solder, the battery will make contact well enough to work properly - reassemble the carcass and that's it. Lip-8s are almost impossible to find.
  12. Component shown looks like a surface mount fuse (SMD)
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