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  • Minidisc units
    JA555ES, JA333ES, JB980QS, MDS-PC3, JE520, MZ-RH1

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  1. I bought it let say locally - 300 km. I managed to connect it to PC and now I am able to download music via webminidisc pro.
  2. Without service manual. Seems it wasn't too complicated although the unit itself is tightly packed. I like this CMT-AH10 and sounds great. I have no remote control but AIWA ADN-1 remote covers most of the operations. If anyone is considering purchasing it, it is worth buying.
  3. Nothing, I took it to the service center 😉
  4. It is working now.🙂. Problem was with power supply. When unit was on stand-by pushing any button froze the all.
  5. I disassembled unit but had no idea how to remove front panel.
  6. No idea how to do it but as I mentioned before it is possible to turn it on using buttons which then are inactive.
  7. Yes I've checked Wiki. I have 100V supply. I have no remote. When i plug USB nothing happens. Seems to me some buttons are pressed. I can't turn it off with power button.
  8. Hi I bought CMT-AH10 and received it today. I could turn on the device but than all buttons are not active. Unit is in very good shape and was sent fully functional. What to do?
  9. Maybe try here. https://www.eetgroup.com/en-gb/150067022-sony-head-over-light-wid-w125001607 https://www.eetgroup.com/en-gb/150051811-sony-head-md-over-light-wid-w124401867
  10. I just mess a ittle bit with M-Crew and it works only with two USB ports in my PC. Funny thing is when I use let say port A I can record form CD-rom to MD but I don't hear anything but when I use port B I can hear music but can't record of course titles are transferd but no music.
  11. So if I record music from Tidal 24 bit it should sound theoretically better than CD?
  12. I wonder how to take advantage of the fact that the MD has a dynamic range of 105 and the CD has 96.
  13. I removed CD-rom drive from my PC and put DVD-Rom drive.
  14. I remember I had problems with my CD-rom drive in my PC. M-crew couldn't read the CD. Did you choose host drive in VM Virtual Box? I also change CD-rom for DVD-rom. Not sure what helped.
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