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Everything posted by Heman

  1. You're not alone. I encountered this problem yesterday too. It can't be fixed by re-installing, even after uninstalling SS4.3 and OMG+Patch. The only way to fix is manually unzipped the OpenMg Secure Module.msi and give the path to that Installer. The zipped OpenMg Secure Module.msi can be found inside yours Temporay Internet Files after re-installation of SS4.3. One more strange I found before this problem is the ripping times were not accumulated even you ripped the CD many times.
  2. My experiences as follows: i: Yes, while playing, press SHUF 6 times - you will see the disc to disc with bent arrow icon below track time. ii: no iii: I always import songs without considering the battery's issue - I believe the designed circuit will handle this manner, and so far my battery is working properly. I do discover there are three icons for charging, no charging with socket like icon, and can't be charged with X over charging icon. iv: It is a fixed location. Picture will be reduced to that location without editing. Yes, higher resolution will exhibit clearer picture. v: Fill in the lyrics thru SonicStage, and transfer the song to the player. While playing the song, there is an option (soft menu - next to Stop button) for displaying the lyrics. To display the hidden text at the RHS, move the cursor to that row.
  3. Yes. edwin123 is correct. If your HD player was formatted with Windows before, not with hard disk formatter (under Sony HD player's Menu), there will be a chance to see this problem. Sure, there are other reasons too. SS4.3 uninstall is not necessary.
  4. It seems ver. 3 is the highest for Sony hardwares (Vaio, A3000) except software. I came across an inexpensive audio-technica ATH-C502 earphone, its bass is great enough at NORMAL playback.
  5. As a normal user, only play. Obviously, the warning message is vague.
  6. Guessed that you're not familiar with SS. There are many ways to add album arts: 1. If get "album art" option enabled, SS will search it for you right after new CD album information. The available depends on Amazon server (I guessed the source is from there). Once the album art is displayed, you simply click & drag it over the SS icon (just below "Music Source". Sure, you can insert your favorite picture there. SS will downsize it for you before transfering to the player. SS accepts more than one Album art. 2. In Library, highlight the desire Album and drag the album art on it. You will prompt for Yes/No. My default is "No" because Yes = every song file with art + Collection, No = Collection + song file without art. New album art will replace the old one, you can change it thru Property menu. 3. Other ways...... your turn 4. Enjoy
  7. Does Gracenote CDDB support Unicode? I think Gracenote CDDB is the main issue on unicode.
  8. Ablum Art/Lyric - only SS can do
  9. It matters little, you can rename the directory that to be delete later. During SS installation, files are copied to different locations, say, SonyShared inside Common Files, system folder. The admin right is used for removing/replacing/adding the system files (Sony). If possible, run CCleaner first (Registry Cleaner or yours favorite one) http://www.ccleaner.com and restart the installation. Good Lucks!
  10. Can you see OpenMG Limited Patch 4.7-07-14-05-01 & OpenMG Secure Module 4.7.00 in Add/Remove Programs? These programs will be installed, or updated (it takes time to remove and install without status) during SS installation. If you see older version, the installation is not complete. You may remove OMG patch yourself, then OMG secure Module before starting a new installation. (SS un-installation does not include the removal of OMG module). Further, there is a log of SS inside your personal temp (login name\local settings\temp) folder if installation is not complete or which download stops short. Hope this helps
  11. Are you using NORMAL user's right? Have you tried under Administrator right?
  12. Q1. I am using Traditinal Chinese Windows + TC SS4.3, and so far no problem on transfering Japanese title + Chinese (Traditional , or Simplified (some characters are garbled with ?)) title + English tile songs at one time. My current devices are NW-A3000, VAIO VGF-AP1, and Aiwa XDM-S700. It seems SS4.3 can handle it provided your default Windows OS language is TC or SC (or changing it from English OS thru Control Panel, or Multi-Language Interface) As mentioned, you 're using bluetooth. I believe you're using bluetooth (USB) mobile earphone as Windows system sound output while transfering (with listening enabled) to Sony device. Try turning off the sound, or get latest driver on that product. Q2. Your problem may be SS supported format issue, (not a file sytem issue), or your original files registered on old database moved and the SS has not been updated with its location.
  13. Would like to share somethings learned. Please let us know if wrong: Mp4 is a standard container for the MPEG-4 multimedia portfolio including ways or methods of storing/delivery/testing video, ..graphics and audio signals m4a and m4p mostly use by Apple m4a = no DMR MPEG4 Audio (Apple product) Apple AAC encoder/decoder - Quicktime 6 or higher/You may say ITunes AAC (LC) format is fitted for all standard player, and AAC (HE) is popular on mobile-phone player. If you use incorrect standard format, your device may not play or play with degraded sound, say, some players can play ACC(HE) but delivering half of its quality - you may not notice in noisy envirnoment. Sometime changing the filename extension may work. As per SS4.3, its output is purely for audio, re-name to *.m4a may fit for your non-Sony device or software. Likewise, I came across the problem when importing AAC (encoder by Nero, Quicktime), only AAC file imported but no tag details. After studying the mp3 tag and AAC tag formats, I believe Sony can enhance the tag issue in future.
  14. I own no NW-HD3 and NW-HD5. It may be an electric power problem of a USB port. If a single USB port on your PC draws more than 500mA by external device, the connected device will be unstable while accessing by software program. You may not need extra power for your USB HD device if under 20G (it still depends on device's power consumption). Provided you changed the HD size with a bigger one, fully charged your battery before transfering a lot of songs to your HD player before plugging in a single (not chained) USB port (external USB hub with no power supplied will bring you trouble!). The consumption status can be seen at "Device Manager>respestive USB Root Hub>Power" (paraphrased from non-Latin Windows), you can see up to 500mA displayed. Hope this helps
  15. If SS4.3 was installed successfully, the installed latest drivers of Sony/Aiwa PA (inside Sony>Personal Audio Driver) will ready for system use. (Respective system driver/s will be loaded automatically - can be seen inside Device Manager>Shown hidden device>Non PlugNPlay Drivers>Sony USB ....Driver, Sony .....) ----------------------------------------------- Please check the following from SS4.3 >HELP >ABOUT SonicStage : SonicStage Add-on for Personal Audio Download : OpenMG Secure Module : MagicGate Memory Stick Device : NW-E2, NW-E3, NW-E5 and NW-E8P : OpenMG CD : M.S. PRO : CD Walkman : ATRAC Audio Device with Intelligent function : Hi-MD : Music Clip, NW-S4, NW-E7 and NW-E10 : ATRAC Audio Device : Net MD : CD-R 燒錄模組(Audio CD/ATRAC CD/MP3 CD) : Px Engine: -------------------------------------------------- If hmp-u01 was there but unable to access, it may be no drive letter assigned, eg D:, E:. To rectify, assign a drive letter to it with Windows disk manager. Hope this helps
  16. I agreed with that if the SS4.3 with the Intellectual shuffle artlink/year option enabled (via the Internet) together with alot of imported songs except CD ripped songs, it takes a long time of CDDB querying via Internet before transfer process and artlink updating. If you edit the artlink or year yourself, Disable the Internet search of Artlink Info, the speed will return to normal. This is my current practice of using SS4.3 instead of Connect. Per my experience, Connect update and transfer is faster than SS4.3 but no AAC and only very basic editing functions, furthermore sometimes the album entries may be duplicated after editing by SS4.3. Anyway SS4.3 is better than Connect with lots of encoding methods and friendly in use.
  17. I encountered similar scenario with SS4.3 sometimes. If you want to transfer Album/s with AAC (3gp, mp4, m4a), or Atrac, or MP3 format, or combination of the supported formats plus Album/s with WMA (192K VBR or V2) format, the WMA transfer will sometimes be skipped with error message, or converted to Atrac as default. So, I select the option "don't transfer if format does not supported" (paraphrased with Chinese SS4.3), and re-transfer (select autotransfer button again) the skipped WMA songs on error message at the later moment - it should be ok. If you like SS4.3 AAC (LC), rename *.3gp to .m4a and enjoy it on other AAC supported players
  18. If under warranty, get help from Sony. If not, try defragmenting the A1000 hard disk, or re-initiate the hard disk at last resort
  19. As mentioned on V3.00 upgrade procedure, I think you should upgrade to the A3000 with V2.01 firmware first.
  20. Heman

    Sony NW-A608 inquiry

    The chain store is call Citicall (鐳射) http://www.citicall.com.hk/page_main.html. Please be noted I have no connection to this store, and just info sharing.
  21. Heman

    Sony NW-A608 inquiry

    Yes, not many stores in Hong Kong have it. One big chain store is cutting its price at HK$998 at the moment. It is true! I am still thinking .. because another big chain store sells NW-HD5 at HK$1299.
  22. If your hardware player supports Thai, you can see it thru language options. (To me, there is no need to adjust Windows' Registry). Based on my understanding, there are two ways to do that (provided the hardware player is supported) expected resident fonts installed (thru PROM/EPROM/.. (firmware)) on the players, or thru downloaded fonts (running on Harddisk). Likewise, I need thinking twice .. (language support issue) when buying Sony players. Hope this helps
  23. Just wondering, is there a firmware for Taiwan Vaio? Because some common Chinese words displayed with ? instead. Have tried latest 3.0.0.C171J and F versions, didn't fix. Please advise. Sticker states that my Vaio is made in Japan during Feb 2005
  24. Please make English language as your system default (Control Panel>Regional Settings), and try again. Good lucks. It seems your language (Danish?) is using double-byte format (singe font width) as non-Latin characters. Other workaround is to change Display pixel in registry, too danger.
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