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Everything posted by Kaotic

  1. that's what I wanna know too!!! guess I will wait somemore, till they change the status to "in-stock", even if just $20 off. I can use it to toward 3 discs.
  2. $329 was the price that I saw .. prior to have nh1 in stock @datavis. once they have those units "in stock"...they changed to even lower price. anyhow, I doubt that you will get your $20 some odd dollars back tho, since you pre-order the item before they have "in-stock"., IMO.
  3. ^^ glad to be a help. all you do is follow the "get the latest price" link on whatever model you desire. hehe, you even thought about ordering from J&R, image how much you got raped money-wise, if you actually went with J&R?? hope to hear your observation on nh1 soon, mbrobe!!!! -------- darn it...if Sony would quit delaying the release on nh900 unit already.
  4. Dunno if this topic has been discussed, so be gentle with me. From what I understand, latest version of SS covers from Hi-SP to LP4, am I correct on that? Only Hi-MD units will take advantages of those Hi + (SP/LP) bitrates (or whatever you call those). What about latest version of Simple Burner? What bitrates are available for NetMD? What I mean is.. when you plug in a NetMD unit, what bitrate will it be shown on the choice of options? Does it shown LP2 or LP4 as options? Thanks for any replies.
  5. @Kurisu; maybe my statement is too general, and you probably misunderstood. anyhoo, I was trying to prove that Aeriyn's statement is incorrect. she's saying Ipod can only "download" songs from PC, and can't "RECORD" from line-in. the keywords there is "Ipod can't record", is the area where I have a different opinion with it. as recording sound quality goes. I think that's whole another issue. Since the thread starter...stating he wants a "RECORDABLE" (portable) unit. hope this clears up. :cool:
  6. what the?!?!?!?! hahahaha... ok. I beg differ from above statement. check out link below.. aeriyn Italk - an Ipod accessory as I said in my post, with that accessory, Ipod can do just as well as any MD, either voice recordings or recording from other devices.
  7. I would suggest you ditch the MD entirely, and stick to Ipod or Ipod mini. Here is why, Current generation of NetMDs (N420D, N520D) don’t even offer “Line In”. low end unit of previous generation of NetMD (NE410) don’t have it either. What other options left for you. (N510, NF610, NF810, S1) they do offer “Line In”. with exception of S1, I bet you will have hard time finding the first three models in stock at your local stores. Since you would like to record from microphone (rarely), then you would either need a model with “mic in” (ie NF810) and a mic; or obtain a battery powered mic to be used with last generation of NetMD models (ie N510, NF610 thru their "line in"). Unless Sony release the “wav”converter proggie, afaik, it is impossible for any NetMD to upload songs “Digitally” via usb > sonicstage. At this point, if you still prefer NetMD over Ipod. Your best bet is Ebay, coz, you might get a good deal on last generation of NetMDs (New or hardly ever used) for cheap. Now move on to Ipod. (Since you have a Mac) Numero uno… Xfer speed. we all know that usb1.1 just can’t compete with firewire. Both “Line in” and “Mic in” can be had as adapter, and it is accessory for the Ipod. So the recording from your old cassette/radio walkman, class lecture should have no problem with Ipod. Design wise, Ipod sure can fit into your pocket, and look much cooler than MD..bar none. As far as durability goes, if you babied it pretty much, and not let it drop out of/from (your hand/table/desk). Otherwise, Ipod will be just durable as any MD. The only thing you won’t like about Ipod is it’s battery life on the unit. Other than that, I think Ipod outperformed MD in terms of ease of use, huge capacity for songs or files, and fast Xfer speed. IMHO.
  8. mbrobe; if I were you, I would canceled the amazon order, and order it from datavis. it would save you a bundle :smile: mz-nh1@datavis.com page
  9. I assume you don't live in US? "J & R" = J and R Music & Computer World, their store is located in NYC.
  10. It seems mz-nh1 is going to be release ahead of mz-n900.
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