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Everything posted by mcca6392

  1. Can't say I care at all about the DSEE, but this is the first form of SonicStage that has automatically loaded all of my existing music library without giving me some form of a memory reference error. Thank you Sony - albeit you should have worked this kink out eons ago...
  2. Any way an American schmuck like myself can get one? Whether it be ordering via someone, or quelquechose?
  3. My Japanese RH10 doesn't have a line out, nor does it have a selectable line-out mode. I'm forced to raise the volume all the way, and turn the EQ off, before hooking it up to a hi-fi, or through my car's AUX input. It's no biggie, really; the only thing you have to remember is to turn it back down when transitioning from car/home use to a portable once again...
  4. When I first started reading this thread, I thought that this would indeed be the unit I pawn my N707 for. I've wanted two Hi-MD portables ever since I got my RH-10. I really don't have any justification for it, I guess. There are just some things I do where I'd love to have two, that's all. But, 10 pages later, I'm not so sure I'm willing to drop $300 for this. I shocked my account enough to spring for the RH10 and 12 blank discs; I'm not so sure I can do this again. Yes, it'd be nice to have the HD amp, but I really need an analog line-out - or at the very least, an line-out sound mode that doesn't reset when I control it via remote control. If it had something like that, and, per se, drag-and-drop, then it'd be a no brainer. Otherwise, I think I can fall asleep with my RH10 pumping audio into my earphones with ease.
  5. There have been times with both my N707 and my RH10 that I feel the same way as you do. Many times, it's a matter of not wanting to use the software with the units. I've never had luck with Sony OEM software working perfectly on my PC, no matter what the heck I do to correct it. It was really bad with Open MG Jukebox - and that may be one of the reasons why I didn't use my N707 as much as I do my RH10. I can also attribute that to being more 'into' music these days, using the recording functions for collegiate lectures and journalism projects, and the fact that Hi-MD is, in my mind, awesome. Much less swapping of discs occurs with the RH10 than with my legacy formats... It also varies mainly due to what's going on from week to week. Sometimes, I don't really have time to sit down and play with my portable; other comittments (sadly) must come first. That's really about all I can come up with to explain why I 'underuse' it at times. I swear I'm getting better...really, I am!
  6. When I worked at Circus City, I used to show NetMD off (back in those days) to customers who were looking at other relevant players. Problem was, I couldn't truly sell them on what we had - because even while we carried units, we didn't carry models with line/mic inputs - two of the most advantageous features of the MD format. I've shopped Best Buy, and at times, it has looked liked they were to carry MD for a while. I remember seeing 1st gen Hi-MD units and even MD storage wallets in stock. But anymore? If you're lucky, all you'll see at a Best Buy are merely some PSYC Net-MDs, some leftover basic 1st gen Hi-MD units, and even those are on clearance. When it comes to looking for MD accessories, I don't even bother with the big stores anymore. The drive to CC and BB is approximately 15 minutes; for 5-10 minutes more seat time in the car, I can get to the Sony Style store by me, and actually find new Hi-MD componentry and accessories. Speaking of which, I should see if they have any blue blanks in yet...
  7. Pretty sure those are the JDM variants of the new Blue 1GB blanks. I think the external packaging is the only thing that differs. Sure wish I could find the blues here in MI....
  8. Seeing as there's no "GRP" button on the RH10 as previous units have featured, the answer is no - with an addendum. There is no 'one-button technique' as there is on the remote. The +/- buttons are the easiest way to change groups, but there is a way on the main unit itself. -Hit 'SEARCH' -Scroll (w/ jog wheel) to "By Group"; push jog wheel to enter -Scroll (w/ jog wheel) to group desired; push jog wheel to enter -Scroll (w/ jog wheel) to song desired; push jog wheel to enter. It also doesn't hurt to turn on 'Group Play' in the Menu-Play Mode-Main Play Mode menu. Any reason why you don't want the remote involved?
  9. I was trying to record some acoustic solos last night, just with a cheapie computer mic. I noticed when I was playing the files back once uploaded, that there was a bit of motor noise on the track - albeit the mic wasn't close to the unit at all. I'm assuming this was simply because of a p!$$-poor mic, but just in case it's not, has anyone else had this sort of thing happen?
  10. By "batteries", are you referring to the internal gumstick, the external 'AA' housing, or both? Can you get it to power up via AC adaptor, too?
  11. Looks nice. I went to my Sony Style store today, and they still had loads of the big purple discs there. But, conversely, the sales clerk was an MD fan, and did take my name and number, and promised to hold a few for me when they come in. I think I'm going to leave it at that much for the time being - I think I've recorded on maybe 2 out of 7 of my blanks at the time being; getting more isn't really that urgent.
  12. Tried another Ratshack - no luck, but I did have a knowledgable, helpful salesperson this time who refered me to another local store who had Hi-MD blanks in stock. Still a purple disc, but with the 'scarcity' of the medium, who am I to say no?
  13. After getting my JDM RH-10, I went to the local Sony Style store, and bought about 7 Hi-MD blanks. I have to tell you - aside from using one as a back-up for system files on my PC, I still haven't filled an entire disc with music. Maybe I'm lazy, maybe I don't sit down and put more songs on it - but the 1gb will hold quite a bit..... The only converse side is don't anticipate Hi-MD 'backing up your MP3's. If you drag-drop file folders as pure data to the disc, then yes, it is archived and stored for future PC use/reference. If you put the songs on there through Sonic Stage, as one is currently required to do so in order to listen to the files, then you cannot re-upload those songs to PC. You would have to record to the PC in realtime to re-obtain it, or the long-esque transfer process I use. I've loved MD format for quite some time, but I'm really enamored with my RH10. If money's an issue, stick with the US version, but if you've got a little extra, get a JDM model from Ebay or the like - the pluses are you've got no alphabet errors, and you get a LCD remote and a charging stand, and you're not locked into a color selection that would make Henry Ford proud.
  14. Well, I tried my wild-goose chase at my local RatShack. Just as I expected - no such luck. The first sales clerk said there wasn't such a thing as a 1gb MD blank, and when I popped the disc out of my RH10, she looked at me absolutely dumbfounded. The manager then claimed that it was a corporate decision to drop 'em, as they never sold well. He claimed the one they had took forever to sell (which they sold to me), and that in addition, Sony was 'discontinuing Hi-MD technology altogether' because they were clearing out NH-600Ds.......but they could order some blanks for me........ I'm sure the manager hates me by now for giving him a hard time, but he's proven to me repeatedly that he absolutely has no clue about anything - let alone Hi-MD. I'd rather buy from a place that has them in stock, or order them from a site that ensures me that I can get the clear-blues. I'm really looking forward to them.
  15. mcca6392

    MZ-RH10 Help?

    I was in an accident last winter in my car. I had my NetMD laying on my passenger seat, connected via cassette adapter. Even though the thing flew 2-3 feet forward, it never skipped. And it's still in pretty good shape.... Skipping will most likely never be an issue. And as far as arm-mounting, Sony themselves sell cases for MD portables that strap 'round your arm. You can find these pretty easily even in stores like Best Buy. Good Luck!
  16. I'll have to start wild-goose chasing these, then..... The RadioShack website still lists the HMD1G, not the HMD1GL, and at that, it says no stores by me have them (I bought the last one in the city). So I guess I'll have to pay some visits personally...... That, or see if my Sony Style store gets them - albeit they've had TONS of HMD1Gs for quite some time.
  17. Sony's not advertising this to be Mac compatible. What it does emphasize, however, is it's intended use for commercial applications. Look even at the title on the page - Pro Audio. Not MD Walkmans, etc. Pro Audio. That would also explain the bundling of the microphone within the package. And the promotional blurb on the website that follows as such: It looks like the Mac usage is simply for uploading, and that it's a new variant of software. Any reasons to think that this wouldn't work for those of us with RH10s and the like? I don't know - I'm an idiot as it stands....
  18. Take something light and thin, I usually use a divder index tab on mine. Hold your MD so that the 'insert this end' is upwards, and the front of the MD facing you. Stick the divider tab or object into the groove on the right hand side, just above the metal slider. Push in, and lightly down. This is where the latch for the slider is, and you can now slide it open.
  19. It is - this clip is from one where he's on some campus - forget which one. You can read about the alien, the puppet, and the project here.
  20. Thanks, guys! I figured as much, but it never helps to gain some support - particuarly those who can do electrical math better than myself. Hope to get this wired up soon.....
  21. Hi all, Just was curious if anyone could help me with this. I've got an aux adapter for my aftermarket car stereo, and am planning on plugging in my RH10 through it for more widespread use of the Hi-MD. It precautions that anything I put through the RCA input jacks shouldn't have a voltage of more than 1 V - or if so, to turn the volume considerably down. Just curious if anyone here knows what it is on the RH10. My manual only states it as being 5 mW + 5 mW @ 16 ohms. Is there any way (aside from taking a voltmeter to the output) to determine what this thing pushes, volt-wise? Thanks for your help.
  22. You're going to want 3v; refer to the tip polarity mentioned on your unit. Look carefully at your DC input on it; it'll point to the inner tip being one polarity or the other. My RH10 says the inner prong is positive; outer casing being negative. This is pretty much the way across all Sonys. You can go a few ways here. One, is that all Sony Car Kit'ed MDs had a 3V car adapter. I lost mine with my NetMD N707, but I bought one off Ebay a few weeks back for about $8. Now I gotta find it again...... Sony also has an aftermarket car adapter; it switches between 3 and 4.5 V, I think; it therefore can power both MD and CD Walkmen. There are two different tips included so that you can match them to which unit you're using. Or you can find some generic replacement, in which the voltage is selectable, and the tips interchangeable. Only downside to this (or the 2nd Sony solution) is that they can sometimes easily be knocked out of the proper voltage setting, tips can be lost, or installed backwards (you need to match the proper polarities with certain sides of the cable). In my mind, the OEM Sony 3V adapter is the best way to go, and if you don't mind Ebay, I'd try there. That's also where I got my 'car' MD remote control. Hope this helps.....
  23. mcca6392


    While it has drawbacks, I was able to record from my MZ-N707 NetMD (with hacked line-out mode) to my RH10 via analog realtime. I then uploaded them to my PC. It's not nessecarily the best way to go about doing it, but it doesn't need additional software and the like. Only downside are the damn DRM paramaters Sony instills upon the uploads, but oh well....
  24. I got one when I got a bunch of Hi-MD blanks at my local Sony Style store. Seems to work fine. It's formatted as a standard MD, so it plays back as such - even on the Hi-MD unit. The head cleaner is a bit different. Logically, you must record on the disc for it to clean the head. And as a result, it's then formatted as a Hi-MD disc. If you plan to use the same disc between Hi-MD and MD/MDLP units, make sure you re-format the head cleaning disc to 'MD' on the Hi-MD unit.
  25. Have you tried adjusting the mic gain at all? I know there are some more advanced settings in the REC Options, but seeing as most of the real-time recording I do is line-level (tape the BBC World service at night; listen in the day at work/school), I haven't messed with it - yet.
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