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  1. Very nice, but why is it that big and how did you found it?
  2. Or if you want to have the control on how to combine them, convert them first with HiMDRenderer or Waveconversion and than combine them in Audacity, where you can set track marks and by this generate either one big wav-file or multiple files for burning to a CD. While I don't know how SS3 combines the tracks in Audacity you have full control up to the microsec.
  3. See, that's what I thought, but I couldn't find it, maybe that has to do with the install of the bits and pieces due to the fact I don't have an Internet connection at home. Or does this feature show up only when you have analog transfered files in Sonicstage??? Do you know where I can find it? -- god, am I lazy, sorry I just found it under tools...save as wave Too stupid, sorry.
  4. Hello, there is no reason to install earlier versions, so if you have an online access go for the SS3 software. It doesn't hurt to install the previous version from your PC, after all the difference isn't that big. I used SS2.1 (installed from the bits and pieces out of the temp directory) with no problem at all and I also use SS3 now (install again from the diff. *.zip files) but haven't used that extensively. Uploading, downloading, converting and saving into wav with the wave-converter did work without a problem. So if you want less entries in your registry, install SS3, if you want more, install SS2.x and than SS3 Hope this helps Christoph
  5. Hello, attached is the MSC.exe (american version), I can't send the DX.exe as this one is 33 Mb. Do you have an gmail account? Best wishes Christoph msc.zip
  6. Well, what I did, due to the fact that the installshield didn't work on my Athlon64 machine, (don't know wy), I copied all the temp files from S2.3 and than installed from within this directories by runinng setup in each. I managed to get the S3.0 isntall on a laptop here at work... and I could also get the downloaded files... if anybody has space, this are five files, all zipped and easily recognised. the files are DX.zip > Directx msc.zip > Music store something openmg.zip > guess sonic.zip > guess addon.zip > addon to S3.0 and the installer does installs them in these sequence, so first dx > msc > openmg > sonic > addon will try it at home in the evening, if anybody wants, I could upload these files... And the german translation for "you bastard" was " Du Mistvieh" ? that is a very free translation...
  7. Hello, I do have only an internet access at work, whereas my SS is at home on a PC without access. Can somebody post the sonicstage complete download ( a link )? P.S.: interesting username, you don't adress anybody with this or? Ist auch nur ne Frage
  8. Well, I use it also as a data drive and that for a simple reason; it is the most reliable method for writing data. As you probably all know it is a magneto-optical storage method and due to this superior to a harddisk ( just put a big speaker magnet on your harddisk, ok DON'T do that unless you really want to get rid of your data :-) ) or to a CD ( just leave your CD in the sun for a while). Furthermore it is a convienent way to transport data, rather than burn it to CD, you just copy it on this cute little disc. And not every Computer has a CD-burner that is accessible, but an usb-port... sure.
  9. Well, may be they will not give out an update for the "old" units (just bought a Nh900, lovely piece of hardware), but if the new units are available... maybe someone can enter into service mode... and maybe the difference to the "old" units aren't as big as it looks...and maybe we could get some information about some more values... ...well, just a hope.
  10. No, the drivers will install themself into your system, making your player available to the system. After that install Sonicstage where ever you want to and SonicStage will use your player and you can down and upload, hopefully :-)
  11. Hi, the nice thing with the new Hi-MD units are, that you can upload them via usb to the computer. And because you can record on the Hi-MD discs also in linear PCM (1,5 h), there should be no loss at all. As you may have read, it is not fun to load a single big PCM file on the computer, so split it into pieces and then load the pieces. Yes, the software is not the best, but it didn't fail me so far and once your files are transfered you can convert them into *wav files and save them on a CD or just start editing them. I have a NH900 and I am very happy with it, be it playing or recording. I record in Hi-SP-Mode which is, as far as I know, 256kps compression. While I don't hear a difference (recording books for my kids) that may be different for you. But as said above you have the choice in what format you want to record. So If you have the money go for a NH900 and get an extra internal battery NH-14WM.
  12. While I generally agree with you, I tested it with some CDs, that had a very low sound level from the beginning. And the difference with earphones are important for me, as I am travelling quite often. Furthermore, I've already reached an age in which one is more careful, no matter what you are doing
  13. Hello, while you can upload only once, you can convert your uploaded recording into *.wav files and as I found out, you can do this unlimited (well, at least twice, I haven't done it more often). Of course the recording through line-out is also still possible, although not very convenient, but it is always good to have a copy...
  14. Just changed the value at 113 in my NH900 european to 21 --> US and there is a huge difference! While louder the sound isn't that clear anymore, but I will try other headphones...let's see.
  15. Sure, if you tell me how to make these changes permanent on a NH900, last thing I saw it wasn't possible to keep the setting... Sorry, sorry, sorry ... your are just fantastic and too fast for me And it does work, I got some really low mp3 that I imported into Sonicstage, gonna test them tonight. Honestly, this limitation was the biggest glitch with my new nh900, but now thanks everybody, your are the best
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