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Everything posted by Hironiemus

  1. I would rather say the difference is that the one (MD-133) is a full sized deck while the other (MD-105FX) is a medium sized deck.
  2. I am listening to my md mainly while riding my bike using koss porta pro headphones. I am satisfied with the sound quality of Hi-LP in 98% of the songs
  3. I just wanted to mention, that I have got the German user manual/datasheet for the RH10. If you need it, please pm me.
  4. Hironiemus


    The first few weeks with my NH1 I barely used the RM-MC40ELK but the RM-MC11EL from my N1. Why? Since I mainly listen to my MD while riding my bike I found the jog dial on the 11 easier to skip songs or turning the volume up and down. And I think the Display or at least the cable is the wrong way round. But the last few days I used the 40 because I can't switch groups or use the menu with the 11 and it shows less information (worst: no "1 remain"). It's still not as comfortable as the old one but I'm getting used to it.
  5. Oops, I'm sorry. Ishiyoshi is right I meant warranty. A bit off topic: In Europe you get two years of warranty. It seems in US it's only one year or just a half!?
  6. still unanswered question from above: as for recording only: -you can leave your unit in your pocket while pause/unpause the recording which adds a trackmark. -you can adjust the record settings with your remote.
  7. True. If it had the normal gumstick + line-out. I would have bought the japanese version instead of the MZ-NH1
  8. I think i found them under the name RCA FSP200 Hmm those look good to me. Does anybody know how they are compared to the Creative TravelSound 200 or to the Sony SRS-T57? And do they run only with batteries?
  9. I want to buy some portable speakers to use outside on parties or chilling. Those can be either passive or active speakers. Better would be if I could use them for both since passive speakers are probably not loud enough but if the battery runs off I can still hear music. A volume control would be nice but not necessary. I don't want high quality speakers just some speakers with acceptable sound quality and loudness. Price should be at maximum 50€. Do you have any recommendations?
  10. Hironiemus

    Flac Codec

    is flac better than wma or apple lossless? I mean the only way it could be "better" is if it was smaller. So is it smaller?
  11. found a picture of the front-side of the 1GB disc package on mediabysony.com Besides the model number is HMD1GL found a picture of the front-side of the 1GB disc package on mediabysony.com [attachmentid=316] Besides the model number is HMD1GL HMD1GL.bmp
  12. In Sony's car-hifi magazine (in Germany it's called "Soundszene") are some head units which provide "WALKMAN Control". You need a special adaptor to connect your walkman. With this feature you can, like the name says, control your walkman. It says it would also provide showing track-title and so on. I guess that it works like a usual remote so it probably has the same plug. This is not perfect but since there is no other half-way decent option to listen to Hi-MD in your car... But I haven't seen a place to buy the cable so far...
  13. I live at the border to switzerland in germany you can get one disc for 5,50€ (7$) (still only the old one). You should better buy your mds here since you get the 16% VAT back . Besides, I don't know if this is usual, but i got the Hi-MD coming with my NH1 in a complete transparent slip case.
  14. 1)All of the above 2)Possibility to easily copy MDs (would probably happen if Sony opens the format) 3)New prerecorded discs ----- Note for the prerecorded discs: They should do something like the SA-CD for MD; Hi-MD recorded in Linear PCM, which can also be played in old SP-Players, since many people still own their equipment
  15. it was but it's sold out again. Maybe it were just a few returned units or something
  16. refering to this sony site: http://www.ecat.sony.co.jp/computer/drive/...1291&KM=DS-HMD1 the DS-HMD1 can transfer to MD/Hi-MD either in MD(LP) or in Hi-MD mode but doesn't support native mp3 (This part I'm 90% sure) and it also cannot playback through your computer (This part I am practically 100% sure)
  17. I went to a local store wanting to test both of earphones but they had only the porta pro in stock. So I tested it and it sounded great (I also compared it to some other headphones which were the triple and higher price and it still won). I asked the guy in the store about the sporta pro and he said that same day a koss agent would be coming and he would ask him about those. Later that day the guy from the store called me saying the koss agent said both earphones have got the same speakers just the design is different. The point confusing me is that the sporta pro are cheaper even though newer. So my questions are: 1. Can someone confirm these are same speakers? 2. Has someone really compared them? 3. Do you think the koss agent is reliable enough to have given me the right information? (But if koss wants to cheat its costumers (as sony does in some phrases we all know) he would have recommend me the porta pro since it is more expensive, wouldn't he? 4. If those are really the same headphones why are the newer ones more expensive? (I suppose it is because the porta pro has excellent references. Am I possibly right?) If you think: "why don't you just trust the koss agent": I did. But since I ordered the sporta pro and they sent me the porta pro at the cheaper price (34€ incl. tax + S&H) I wondered if the sporta pro were not the same but worse I won't get the opportunity again to get the porta pro at such a low price w.\ guarantee. The point of not just keeping the porta pro is I like it more to have the band around the neck then above the head. a) Because it looks better It won't fall off as easy as above the head Hope you understood all. Thanks for your support.
  18. Hironiemus

    3rd Gen

    imo it should not be a big problem to develop a laser to switch between normal <-> bluray. The electronics are advanced red laser is in every 20€ CD player. They could take the NH1 add bluray then it has the size of RH10 and a design like the RH10 and it's perfect (sure you can always add some more little features )
  19. Hironiemus

    Hma Files

    look over here: Hi-MD > Need Help For Destroyed Hi Md Recording, Recovery of Hi MD own recordings
  20. I didn't really search for it. I was just looking if the new units were finally listed (besides they still aren't) ...and there was a link to it. Yes it did work. But I haven't made any bigger operations so far. Important: If you previously installed the english version (or probably also any other but this wouldn't make any sense) you have to manually uninstall it first because otherwise you will still have the english (other language) version installed.
  21. thx to Philgood @JFK: no sorry I don't have an email adress
  22. is there also an alternative to the lip-4wm battery coming with NH1 or is there a place to get this for a decent price because I don't want to pay the half price of a new unit just for the battery
  23. I found a download link for the German Sonicstage 3.0 and the mp3 plugin at the German Sony site: Sonicstage 3.0 (77,2MB): http://www.sony.de/content/attachment/SONIC_Stage_3003.zip mp3 Plugin (2,76MB): http://www.sony.de/content/attachment/Soni...P3%20Plugin.zip
  24. Has someone tried how the variable bitrate playback is?
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