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Everything posted by lightbulbjim

  1. I've used Acid Music successfully like this. You can import/record audio, split it up to your heart's content, copy and paste each chunk to a new file and then export the files to wav. Kinda fiddly I know but it works. I've used this in the past to record shows off the radio straight into my computer (line in), then split them up, and then burn a CD with Nero with each wav as a seperate track. The CD then plays gapless. Acid Music isn't actually free, but there is a few version called Acid XPress which should let you do it. Link: http://mediasoftware.sonypictures.com/prod...uct.asp?pid=906 Something interesting, my (old) version of Acid lets you burn a CD of your "creation" straight from the program if you so desire, and just looking at the Acid site now, the newer (retail) version also lets you copy it STRAIGHT TO NET MD from within the program!!!! I never knew that.
  2. In this regard HiMD is quite good - it allows you to upload your recordings via USB . With HiMD you can adjust recording levels on the fly (and about time too Sony). The one annoying thing about it however is that you have to go into a menu and set it to manual record level EVERY time you record something - then when you press stop if defaults to off. Also you have to tell it that you want manual record levels before you start recording (while in record-pause mode), you can´t do it while it´s actually recording. then once you start recording you can adjust the levels all you want (for optical recordings too). If only we knew. I myself am hanging out for a Sharp/Kenwood player, hopefully they´ll announce something soon. Some people are saying that the other manufacturers are out of the HiMD game, but here´s hoping they´re not .
  3. If only.... Display visibility is one of the few narks I have with the NH900.
  4. Hey, nice! I have the MC40ELK for my NH900 and I never knew this. Makes good sense though. Now if only I could get to ALL the menus from the remote ....
  5. I use the MC40ELK with my NH900, and the recording menu isn´t accesable from the remote either. I find it most irritating.
  6. With regard to newer HiMD models being available in Australia (and I´m guessing that if 2nd gen aren´t going to be released here then quite possilby the 3rd gen etc aren´t going to necessarily be available either): If there is this demand for MD gear in a professional setting, then what happens when the current stock of non-HiMD devices eventually become obsolete and phased out, and HiMD is the only thing available? Would the demand be enough that more HiMD devices would become available again here in Aus, or do you think professional users are more likely to switch to other (likely more cost-efficient) solutions? Of course, I do realise we´re talking primarily about Sony here. If/when other manufacturers jump on the HiMD bandwagon, it will be interesting to see what the availability of their products are here (although I don´t have particularly high hopes I must admit).
  7. There is also a 1750mAh Sony gumstick battery available - click here. They seem to have removed the image, when I first saw the site (a few weeks ago) they had a picture up there as well.
  8. I reckon CDs (and vinyl for that matter too) are brilliant. I listen to most of my music on CD and occasionally vinyl, then copy an album to MD when I feel the whim. Someone mentioned how you need only get the tracks you want with online stores. Personally I love buying albums on CD and vinyl when you only know one or two songs. You discover a lot more music that way.
  9. Another site about Linux on iPods is here, it´s Bernard Leach´s project mentioned in that article. He actually has an iPod distro and installer for download .
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