Over the last few months I have acquired a whole raft of hardware in order to make Super 8 movies. The last item is the exciting Sony MZ-RH1 ($327). I am just learning how to use it. A friend has loaned me a PZM mic. Here's the list with dollar amounts- eBay- Beaulieu 2008 ($150) & 3008 ($435) Super 8 cameras, Canon 814e($76) Super 8, Nizo S8L ($36) LEDs (light emitting diodes) About 125 of them plus 100 3v disc batteries from Chinese manufacture. LED and batteries $43 shipping $30. (Side note: Ordered from China on a Tuesday- it was in my hands on Friday) Bought 2 orders of EL wire and battery pack ($50) from Thatscoolwire.com. This is neat stuff for lighting my mini sets. This doesn't include the bit and pieces I've bought from Home Despot and other for some of my props and sets I'm building. WOW! My wife's gonna kill me when she sees the Visa bill. If I can figure out how to attach pics to Forum posts I will show everyone what I'm woring on. Anyway, my film is a spoof on the tech industry-mostly Microsoft- with a Si-Fi Star Trek themes.