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Everything posted by kentek

  1. Still a newbie and still learning the ins and outs of the MD-RH1. Does anyone know if there is a way to setup the RH1 to auto record on a schedule?
  2. I was pretty sure it was FAT. I proved it after I used Win Explorer to drag-drop a jpg file, then I added a new folder and dropped the jpg into it. Immediately after this exercise the HiMD looked different to the XP tools: disc Manager recognized it as a FAT partition and provided property information. I used the HiMD out of the box w/o formating first. I think I will always re-format any new HiMD disc that I purchase. Thanks for you help.
  3. I think I'm on the right forum. Does anyone know what the HiMD file system is? I thought it was FAT but now I'm not sure. Also, Do Group Folders show up as named folders or is it all munged up within the one big file I see on the filelist. One would think that you could create a Directory Tree and move stuff around. Well, can you? My recorder is a MD-RH1. As a complete newbee to HiMD I'm starting form scratch. thanks in advance
  4. I frequent a film site "cinematography.com' that lists the last post by which member and how long ago. For busy members it would let one check anything new that has been posted. This site is very well designed so I'm not complaining. This is mearly a suggestion. Thanks.
  5. Over the last few months I have acquired a whole raft of hardware in order to make Super 8 movies. The last item is the exciting Sony MZ-RH1 ($327). I am just learning how to use it. A friend has loaned me a PZM mic. Here's the list with dollar amounts- eBay- Beaulieu 2008 ($150) & 3008 ($435) Super 8 cameras, Canon 814e($76) Super 8, Nizo S8L ($36) LEDs (light emitting diodes) About 125 of them plus 100 3v disc batteries from Chinese manufacture. LED and batteries $43 shipping $30. (Side note: Ordered from China on a Tuesday- it was in my hands on Friday) Bought 2 orders of EL wire and battery pack ($50) from Thatscoolwire.com. This is neat stuff for lighting my mini sets. This doesn't include the bit and pieces I've bought from Home Despot and other for some of my props and sets I'm building. WOW! My wife's gonna kill me when she sees the Visa bill. If I can figure out how to attach pics to Forum posts I will show everyone what I'm woring on. Anyway, my film is a spoof on the tech industry-mostly Microsoft- with a Si-Fi Star Trek themes.
  6. You could also use re-chargable AA batts. I think I like the new Energizer US solution. Tha nks for the good report on your project.
  7. Exactly the answer I was looking or. In other words, there is a 'service' that is running in the backgound just like on your TV that enables quicker startup. I shall remove the disc to coserve energy. Thanks.
  8. Pata2001--- I'm a real newbie. Could you give use newbie guys some help: 1) UMS is what? 2) DAP is what? 3) How do you specifially use the Cowon 'DAP' with the NH1? 4) Is is used in place to the RM-MC38EL or in addition to it? Thanks in advance.
  9. I'm puzzeled by how the RH1 will always charge the battery for 15 minutes after being stored for a day or two without use. Is there some service running that sucks volts?
  10. Great pics of MDs. Who's image watermark software do you use? Might it be an opensource product? ken wood
  11. I can't find a MZ-RH1 spec that tells me what the 'play power' really is. I know it isn't phantom power as it is either 48v or 9v. Is there any chance that the RH1 would ever push power to a mic and cause it damage? Also, has anyone re-written the user manual? It's is now written in marketingeze. For those of us not a MD expert it takes a lot of searching to find answers to questions. Thanks in advance. ken wood camarillo, ca
  12. I'm a total newbie on MD recorders, so be patient. I'll try to not totally stupid. I am looking at the MZ-RH1. Price at B&H Photo is $320US. They only stock it in silver. Are there any pluses with the black color over silver? Next, there seems to be an newer MZ-M200 @ $400. Comes in blk or silver. Are there any features that one would really miss if only doing film documentaries? Or, what does one get for the extra $80US? I've enjoyed reading this tread. I almost get it. regards to all.
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