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PCM WAV Recording

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well it wasnt in the list of updates its been possible since 2.0...i didnt reelize this either untill a month or so ago...

but yes it is possible although i am curious why you cant rip this directly through Simple Burner since its a near direct rip

it would seem resonable to have a choice to rip in cd quality right from a CD but i guess that the top of the line sony software developers are too good to think of a way to do that...

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Greatness! Marc, if you are reading this, know that your program is the sole reason I have decided to purchase a Hi-MD unit this Christmas. Let freedom ring. Erm, play.

I second that. After only knowing about MD for 2 weeks and having my (used-from ebay) N505 for 1 week, I'm ready to upgrade to Hi-MD solely based on the great capabilities that marcnet's program adds to the MD platform.

:love: MD :love:

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