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Replace Connect With Mdcf In Sonicstage 3.

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how's it run? i found connect's browser to be slow & kinda bloated for no aparent reason given what it was displaying. so any faster on a non sony website? how does it show up on the site stats? some ie version i 'spose but 'users browsing with connect 1.3%' would be cool

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Heh, neat trick. I've modified it to run Adobe Audition direct from SonicStage (no disrespect to this forum...) - I have to click through an "are you sure message" - when I exit, there's a "try again" option which takes me to the Connect store still. Clicking on the "Home" key in the Connect page runs Audition again. Not a lot of actual use but kinda fun.

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how's it run? i found connect's browser to be slow & kinda bloated for no aparent reason given what it was displaying. so any faster on a non sony website? how does it show up on the site stats? some ie version i 'spose but 'users browsing with connect 1.3%' would be cool

Seems pretty damn fast, a little faster than Firefox without tweaks. Doesn't add any additional bloat to SS as far as I can tell, too.

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Nice find. I also tried it and it works perfectly. So then I decided to make some reg-files to make life easy for those who are not familiar with editing the registry. Just double-click the *.reg file of your choise and that's all!

I made 4 versions (included in the zip-file):

- MDCF: opens the MiniDisc Community Forums (http://forums.minidisc.org)

- MDCP: opens the MiniDisc Community Pages (http://www.minidisc.org)

- MDcenter.nl - forums: opens our forums (http://www.mdcenter.nl/forum/)

- MDcenter.nl: opens our main page (http://www.mdcenter.nl)

AND A REAL USEFUL ONE (for those in Europe that use Connect and the US download of SonicStage 3.0:

- Connect Europe: opens the Connect Europe website (http://www.connect-europe.com)

Click here to download:


Good luck,

P.s. it is very easy to edit this type of registry-file with a text-edittor to create your own version.


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