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So Cheap!

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i have a MZ-N1 net md and it has served me well(been to about 10 countries). but the whole Hi-Md thing has caught my attention recently(i was tempted to get a ipod mini and was looking for alternatives). most of the hi-mds ive seen seem to be around 100 pounds. (my net md cost 200). so i am wondering: has the power of ipods struck a large blow to sonys MD sales? is there less people buying MDs? and lastly should i sell my net md and get a hi-md? do you know whats the most expensive or best specs hi-md out so far?

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... most of the hi-mds ive seen seem to be around 100 pounds. (my net md cost 200)...

I remember buying my NF-810CK (NetMD) for over Can$400 while the Hi-MD NF-910s I bought on Friday was only Can$250 so I appreciate that the prices have come down. That may be the result of competition but the iPod and a Hi-MD recorder are not really aimed at the same people. There are people who buy an iPod (no matter what it sounds like) just so that they can impress their friends...it is a fashion thing. Arguments about the technological advantages of one medium over the other aren't going to sway them.

There is a joke about a mother and her son going grocery shopping. The mother picks up a package of washing powder and puts it in the cart. The son reads the package and says: "Mom, do you realize that if you buy two of the smaller boxes rather than the one big box you will be getting more and spending less!"

"You think you're so smart" says the mother, "I can read labels too and it says right here, 'Large ECONOMY size' so that's what I'm getting!"

So, I'm glad that Hi-MD have started to come down in price. It is a major improvement over what I had to do with Net-MD to get analog recordings back into my computer. I bought it for the recording capabilities NOT 'downloading'...never use it...never will.

Edited by Meryl Arbing
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if you do not want to record something via Microphone or from a CD player, you might have a look at the Hi-MD photo:


I just bought it (Japanese version), and usability wise I like it a lot (e.g. nice display). And even my wife likes it very much, so it is not just a gadget. But I am not sure, if a iPod (mini) does not provide much more space for the music for less money. For just listening to music (copied from the PC) it is a clear improvement to NetMD.


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i think a lot of people consider it to come down to this:

if you want a recorder: buy a HiMD

if you want a player and have a substanstial collection of MD gear that you aren't willing to give up: buy a HiMD

if you want a player with ease of use (see: transfer, DRM) and don't mind playing a bit more: buy an iPod

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I see the iPods like this:

Too heavy and too expensive.

When will you put 60GB of music? If you have all of this on you HD, you can have one HI-MD and once a week remake on disc.

I go only for md because of this:

The MD you can change the disc and have all the space you need.

You can make live recordings

The battery last a lot on the Net-MDs, mine (NE-410) last 56hours with 1 AA.

It's about 120g. so it's not that far from a cellphone

It cost about US$300 one of the top models whille the iPod is like what US$300 the mini with 4GB?

They allways say that the iPod is 40GB, 60GB so it's a lot better, but is it worth to pay a lot more to have this space and use about 5, 10GB? My friend has one iPod (40GB) and one Net-MD and he likes more the MD than the iPod. His iPod is almost going for sale because it's to bad for walking with it on the pocket.

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