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Sonicstage 3.2 mass-conversion crash

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PC Specs:

Compaq Presario X1400AP

Intel Centrino 1.6 MHz


Windows XP Home SP2

About 6 GB free disc space, recently scandisked and defragmented

MD Specs:


Sonicstage 3.2, Internet US/Europe version (the only Sony program on the computer)


Under certain conditions, Sonicstage crashes upon converting any audio file to ATRAC3. Especially pronounced during mass conversion.


I actually started having this problem after uninstalling my installation of Sonicstage 3.2, trying the MDCF full installer, uninstalling that after seeing that it doesn't work with my NH900, then reinstalling Sonicstage 3.2, all in an attempt to fix a static problem in MP3 -> ATRAC3 132kbps conversion. I did this according to the instructions on this forum.

Now, when I convert any music file, if I had just finished converting another file previously and if I attempt the new conversion within a period of time, Sonicstage will crash citing an error in omgjukebx.exe. This happens with any audio file. There is no problem with the actual file; it's just that attempting another conversion immediately after doing one ("immediately" varying anywhere between 0 seconds to about 1 minute) will cause Sonicstage to die. This means that mass conversion is impossible, but mass file transfers via SS to the MD itself work fine. There is one exception to this: ripping from audio CD to ATRAC3 goes without a hitch, although i've only done this for a two-song single.

I'm guessing this is a problem with the encoder either clashing with something or just something screwed up with the installation. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times but the problem keeps returning. I think I should also note that I installed the mp3 codec that came with the MDCF installer; that's a possible culprit for the clashing, but I can't figure out how to remove the codec and disabling it doesn't seem to help. I also have ffdshow installed, but after disabling the mp3 filter I had never had a problem until now.

A solution would be much appreciated; I don't really relish the prospect of having to do manual file-by-file ATRAC conversion. Thanks in advance.

Edited by littlefox
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As far as I've tried, SS3.2 has ALWAYS crashed on me during mass conversion. It just sucks.

Well, I've never had this problem. Have just tested this in SS3.2 under XP Pro SP2 converting multiple MP3's to Atrac3 132k and also to Atrac3plus 64K and no problems whatsoever. My SS installation consists of SS3.0 installed from original cd upgraded to SS3.1 and then 3.2 via Sony's site.

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Sorry. Forgot my OS. Windows XP Home SP2.

Well, I've never had this problem. Have just tested this in SS3.2 under XP Pro SP2 converting multiple MP3's to Atrac3 132k and also to Atrac3plus 64K and no problems whatsoever. My SS installation consists of SS3.0 installed from original cd upgraded to SS3.1 and then 3.2 via Sony's site.

Well, that's just it. I didn't have this problem either until recently. Maybe if we figure this out faelnor will be able to fix his problem too.

Edited by littlefox
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