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Some questions about Hi-MD

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A friend that likes Mp3 players thinks Minidisc is very obsolete

and i am trying to convince him that Minidisc Rocks

I Need answers on Some questions i hope you can help

1. I readed somewhere a Hi-md walkman with 80hours battery exist

if this is true what is the name of this modell, and can you give me some

expert test that provees this

2. Is Atrac3 sound (the one used in Hi-md today) Better than Any Mp3 players?

For example better than wav or aiff (i belive mp3 player use?)

if Atrac3 is better do you have a test that can prove this

3. Is it true Minidisc is the only one transfering digitally , and mp3 players dont

if this is true explain how?

4. Has OGG more quality than Mp3 in atrac 3 ?

5. Is FLAC format (used it Cowon X5 portabel mulitmediajukebox) better than Atrac 3?

6. Is it True Sony will Drop Sonicstage and from Desember you can conect Minidisc players

like an mp3 player and Drag-and-drop function just like mp3 players ?

7. If you know other things that is better with minidisc than Mp3 players let me know

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1. I don't think so, with the advent of HiMD the battery life declined.

2. Mp3 players use mp3 AFAIK. Atrac3 can't sound better than its uncompressed origin. Compared to other lossy codecs it performs rather poorly: http://www.rjamorim.com/test/multiformat128/results.html. Atrac's main advantage is its low power consumption. Although you can still use Atrac3, there's its successor Atrac3plus now.

3. False

5. FLAC uses lossless compression and thus is more accurate than any lossy codec but needs more disc space.

7. Live recording

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6. yes they are going to drop sonicstage in favor of the new connect player.

no i dont think that this will suddenly make all himd players true drag and drop devices. for that you would have to alter the firmware or something to play music files from the disc's file system directly.

this however is based on the thought that drag and drop is done inside the file manager of the os your using. if its done inside the special app supplied by the maker of the mp3 player then most likely yes.

atleast when im asking for drag and drop ability it means that i dont want to use a extra program. i want to be able to drag the files onto a icon inside the file manager and thats it.

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