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How to utilize Hi-MD group shuffle?

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I have made a hi-md disc with 4 categories of music. My ss library is not made into playlists groups. The 4 categories are on the disc with all the songs for a particular category together. Is it posssible to make the 4 separate sets of songs into groups so i can use the shuffle feature and just shuffle the songs in a particular group? If so, how?

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what about selecting shuffle in subplay mode and then selecting by group in mainplay mode?

If the individual tracks are already on the disc, put it in the player connect to your pc and open up Sonic Stage. In the Transfer window, create the 4 empty groups representing the categories (if they don't already exist), then drag and drop the tracks in the appropriate group.

Then when playing back as Sebastian says, change the Main Play Mode to Group and the Sub Play Mode to Shuffle.

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