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SS 3.4 -- (Almost) a decent product

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DO upgrade to SS 3.4 -- It's now (almost) a decent product. -- I haven't used SS a huge amount in it's previous versions but this version looks like it's what people have been waiting for.

DIGITAL uploding now allowed -- no DRM either(about time too).Other good stuff as well --read the review on the Forum.

Get it from the download section.



Edited by kurisu
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Why only almost decent? I think it is a lot more than just decent. Not perfect, but a long way ahead of decent. B)

Actually it's just my "Cynical Nature" -- this upgrade is really a MUST HAVE.

Now Sony thanks for listening for SS features to improve --- how about a decent DECK and a HI-MD car player to complete the picture.



Edited by 1kyle
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The addition of 192kb/s IMO is great and I shall be using it the most, but I wonder why they just dont let users use all the Atrac3Plus bitrates, as the second gen HIMD's support all mp3 bitrates. Mabye its to keep us in anticipation of the next version! Finally we can upload our music and even store it away from the computer without uploading worries! Well done sony im back on your team lol

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DO upgrade to SS 3.4 -- It's now (almost) a decent product. -- I haven't used SS a huge amount in it's previous versions but this version looks like it's what people have been waiting for.

DIGITAL uploding now allowed -- no DRM either(about time too).Other good stuff as well --read the review on the Forum.

Get it from the download section.



Can you import to your hardrive in many different format? Yes! Can you transfer to Hi-MD in many different formats? Yes! The software does what it is suppose to do. So to me, it is much more than decent. If you have such an issue with SS, get an iPod and install iTunes.

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I think SS is much more than decent and have always thought so since v2.0, although I'm sure there are many who will not agree. I do consider 3.3 to be a "watershed" version with greater bitrate support and, crucially, DRMless ATRAC allowed. SS 3.4 should be even better with extra HiMD bitrates and further relaxed DRM. Much more than decent IMHO.

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Blaming Sony for data-loss while admitting to not reading the instructions supplied with the hardware and software. It almost sounds to me like blaming a car-manufacturer for crashing their car without having a drivers-license.

I do admit I also do not always read manuals but if I encounter problems the first thing I do is reading them to avoid that the problems I experience are caused by mis-using the equipment.

The other question remains: why do manufacturers supply usermanuals? To help you with understanding how the equipment works or to help you fill your garbage-bin?

As with every software there can be some bugs resulting in data-loss but judging from the feedback I get via my own MD-related site more than 95% of problems experienced with SonicStage are caused by inproper use of hardware or software.

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