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Which is best for transcoding MP3s?

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Transcoding is is "bad," especially from MP3. There was a comparison at hydrogenaudio comparing degradation of quality from various lossy compression in transcoding, and MP3 is pretty much the worst (OGG surprisingly ended up pretty good). If you must, avoid transcoding to higher bitrate than the original source, since you end up only wasting spacce. If your MP3s are in 192kbps range, then use either 192kbps Atrac3+ or LP2.

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. . . avoid transcoding to higher bitrate than the original source, since you end up only wasting space.

I can't help but disagree with this.

I would say first - transcode to a minimum of the same bitrate.

Second - any transcoding represents another generation of loss. The higher the rate you transcode to, the less audible the loss. If your desire is to maintain the quality of the file you already have, then transcode at the most transparent rate possible, even if it means doing so at twice the original bitrate. Knowing your codecs and where their threshholds of audible artifacting are helps, too - i.e. using 352kbps a3+ may be overkill when 256kbps is transparent enough already for a 192kbps MP3, and 192kbps a3+ might be noticeably degraded.

At any rate, the only way to find out what works best is to try it yourself, and determine on your own what you perceive to be the best compromise. Your perception will be different from others', period, as this is totally subjective. Some people find HiLP encoding perfectly listenable for music, whereas others like myself find the artifacting to be near-equivalent to nails on a blackboard.

What you like is up to you. And really [Chris G], that's why I find threads like this kind of silly - you're asking a purportedly objective question about something that is completely subjective. My advice? Spend the 15 minutes to find what works best for you. No one else's advice on the matter is tailored to your perception, so no matter what anyone else says, it's not the "right" answer [since really, there is no "right" answer].

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....I find threads like this kind of silly - you're asking a purportedly objective question about something that is completely subjective. My advice? Spend the 15 minutes to find what works best for you. No one else's advice on the matter is tailored to your perception, so no matter what anyone else says, it's not the "right" answer [since really, there is no "right" answer].

I dunno I think its good to discuss theses kinda issues. Its useful to realise that its very much subjective, but you can benefit from others experience and ideas. Even if don't agree with them.

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