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Sony's new GPS product ...

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...sure looks pretty. I think I want that. But sadly, the Spousal Unit would kick my a** clear to Hong Kong if I ever (ever,ever,ever,ever,ever) made the mistake of buying it. Dang...




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But sadly, the Spousal Unit would kick my a** clear to Hong Kong if I ever (ever,ever,ever,ever,ever) made the mistake of buying it.

At least you'd know where you were :) This is pretty nice, but with the GPS unit for the PSP coming I'd probably go that route.

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Nice device there, found an odd discrepancy between the SStyle and Amazon listing?!

??? What's the discrepancy? I don't really see anything except in one the screen is on and in the other it is off (and the pictures have different levels of zoom or "bigness" lol).

What am I missing?

I've seen this unit a little while ago myself though, Sony's had it on their mobile electronics site for a little while now www.xplodsony.com

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:lol:ahh yes, Seems to be more of a disparity/variance than discrepancy; just referring to the pics, not specs.

The U-70 is supposed to be very good. In Europe it ships with maps for 20 Euro countries, whilst the U-50 I think it is only has Benelux (or UK in the UK) maps.

I previously bought my wife one of the older models which was the NVX-P1 (below). This also has maps for all of Europe but is a little bigger and uses the same software as some Navman models. It is generally very good though and we have used it on a few trips through Belgium, France, UK.

IPB Image

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