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Windows Vista with SonicStage and CONNECT Player?

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Been beta testing vista for months, and all the features are not yet enable. Will be a memory hog to boot. Just the video features are amazing, again not fully fuctional. I think as far as being compatible, it will be to early to really tell. I have tried connect on it and it works.

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I tried Connect with the latest CTP Vista x64 beta, and it worked.. In fact it worked faster and better than it does for me in XP. As in vista, it shows my CD drives, and I can rip music. It also started up alot faster (a I faster, about 3 minutes, compared to 8).

That's an interesting observation. So, would you say that CONNECT Player functions better (in terms of stability) in Vista?

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I tried Connect with the latest CTP Vista x64 beta, and it worked.. In fact it worked faster and better than it does for me in XP. As in vista, it shows my CD drives, and I can rip music. It also started up alot faster (a I faster, about 3 minutes, compared to 8).

Does it really take 8mins to start up Connect on your XP machine ?

Do you have a lot of songs in your library ?

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Does it really take 8mins to start up Connect on your XP machine ?

Do you have a lot of songs in your library ?

Yes, 8 full minutes, It's horrendous, hence my annoyance with Connect, and the fact I's a majot hassle to transfer music (coupled with the fact the CD drives are missing, so I cann even use it to rip).

I have about 8000 tracks, MP3 and WMA mixed.

The machine spec is AMD64 3500+, 1GB of RAM, 160GB SATA HDD. I think the PC spec is more than enough for a lousy music manager program. Usually tinyhttp.exe is using in excess of 700MB of memory. Tiny my ass...

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8,000 is a lot of tracks but you would expect the database to be able to cope with those sort of numbers for 6 or 20GB music players particularly with your machine specs.

My P4(3.2GHz 512MB Ram & 60GB HDD) takes about 40seconds to load ConnectPlayer which has 900 songs in its library. The A1000L then takes 2mins30seconds to load up its 1050 songs.

But I prefer to use Sonic Stage 3.2 or 3.3 to rip and load music into the A1000 as it is much faster then occasionally open ConnectPlayer to let it do all its statistical up dates.

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  • 5 months later...

I tried Connect with the latest CTP Vista x64 beta, and it worked.. In fact it worked faster and better than it does for me in XP. As in vista, it shows my CD drives, and I can rip music. It also started up alot faster (a I faster, about 3 minutes, compared to 8).

NOTE: As I was searching the forum for a particular subject, I came across this post.

I know someone spoke of not getting SS/CP to work on their Vista OS.

Seems someone got it working.

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My expereinces of SonicStage 4,0 and Connect Player 1.04 on Vista Beta 2 are:

Connect Player.

Did not initially work using the desktop shortcut, which points to cplayer.exe. However, if I launch tinyhttp.exe instead, it DID work. It worked better than XP (as mentioned), both clean installs, with the same media. My missing CD drives in XP showed up in Vista (both 32bit and x64 editions).

SonicStage 4.0

Worked flawlessly under Vista Beta 2 (32bit).

Not tried under x64 version.

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  • 5 weeks later...

An update on SonicStage/Vista:

I gave up on Vista Beta 2 about a month ago, as it was too slow, and a memory hog. However, I now have a post beta 2 build from MSDN (build 5472). As after as the Vista side of things, it's a vast improvement on beta 2, much faster. The problem is however, is that SonicStage 4.0 CP does not work.

It tells me that my System Information has changed, and gets stuck in a restore loop.

Anyone else seen this, and know how to fix it? (apart from going back to XP!!)

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  • 4 weeks later...

An update on SonicStage/Vista:

I gave up on Vista Beta 2 about a month ago, as it was too slow, and a memory hog. However, I now have a post beta 2 build from MSDN (build 5472). As after as the Vista side of things, it's a vast improvement on beta 2, much faster. The problem is however, is that SonicStage 4.0 CP does not work.

It tells me that my System Information has changed, and gets stuck in a restore loop.

Anyone else seen this, and know how to fix it? (apart from going back to XP!!)

I have exactly the same problem, and don't understand how the System Information can change just by closing and opening the program!

The selected music file cannot be played back because the system information has changed.

Click OK to automatically close CONNECT Player and open the CONNECT Player System Information Restore tool.

I've lost hours of sleep over this, so if anyone has any ideas...

Just to mention, I managed to get the program loading up through the tinyhttp option, but I get the message:

The Portable device NW-A1000 failed to initialized and can not be used.

Error code: 82040301

I get the same message when connecting it through Sonicstage, even after full initialization of the device.. It seems to work ok through XP, but it's really annoying me that I can't get either program to recognize my A1000 that I bought only a couple of days ago!!

This is my first post, so thanks for everything in advance - it's really the best forum out there related to ATRAC/Sony Music stuff~~ :)

Edited by Costas0
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I am really hoping the forthcoming SonicStage CP 4.1 addresses this, otherwise Sony will be even further from their desired market position for Walkman, as ITunes already works flawlessly in Vista RC2, and Microsoft Zune will of course be Vista ready when it arrives. Creative have a open API, so even if the supplied tools don't work, there are others that do.

I suspect Sony is the ONLY portable player at the moment that does not work in Vista.

As usual, very shabby support from Sony, who simply don't seem to care about their customers, or their fast deminishing reputation for delivering good, hi-tech products.

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I think Sony´s hardware and products still hold a high standard. The problem is the software - something that has been lacking for a long time. And with todays competition in the MP3 player market, the software part is very important for the whole product. The hardware part can be very very good - but that that´s not enough if people are just annoyed by the app they have to use.

Oh yeah; when is the 4.1 revision supposed to be out?

Edited by Petter156
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  • 3 weeks later...

Vista support appears to be fixed in SonicStahe Cp 4.2 Yay...

I don't seem to have the errors I was previously getting, and the database restore loop problem. I have just loaded some tracks, re-started SS, restarted my PC, connected/disconnected my NW-A3000, and everything is "just working "...

It also seems sigificantly faster this version...

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OK, got my MSDN version of Vista RTM (final), and have SonicStage 4.2 working.

It did crash installing OMG module during install, but it does not seem to have affected the performance of it (I seem to recall the same installer crashed in the past on Windows XP x64 edition).

So if your trying Sonicstage under Vista, and it crashes, worry not it should still be OK!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all.

I also got the MSDN version of Vista RTM (final) and installed SonicStage 4.2.

Worked at first, but I think I accidently enabled "Intelligent Feature" for my NW-A1000.

Unfortunately now, I cannot have my player connected to the pc, as it results in a crash in Omgjbox.exe.

But, I cannot get to the device options to turn off the Intelligent Features before SonicStage crashes.

I've uninstalled SonicStage countless times now, and removed all the entries from the registry. But still a bit flumoxed.

I'd appreciate any suggestions.


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  • 1 month later...


I'm getting a little bit scared when reading this. I will be getting a brand new laptop with Vista on it for my birthday.

I hope SSCP 4.2 works on it. Otherwise I'll be very very pissed off. I have a NW-A1200, PSP, NW-S703 and NW-307.

So I defenitely need sonicstage very bad!!!!

It's the final version, and official retail version of vista, so I assume that SSCP 4.2 will work.

But We'll see about that in six weeks from now. Then I'll be getting my laptop.


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