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Filling in the blanks...

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Having just bought an NW A3000 after getting peaved with my ipod. I am surprised to find that Sonic Stage and Connect seem to miss many of my tracks, as they do not have any Id tag info (I ripped all my music using Audio grabber with categories set up in Artist/Album/track directories... this worked fine for Windows Media or Itunes

So what tag information does sonic stage/ Connect need ??

What is the most simple method of providing it?


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It will be better if you can re-rip your Audio cds again using Sonic stage or Connect as Grance note will automatically add the cd info .I hope you have audio cds of those songs .

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It will be better if you can re-rip your Audio cds again using Sonic stage or Connect as Grance note will automatically add the cd info .I hope you have audio cds of those songs .

Yep, 4 huge crates full of CDs :( it took me two weeks of ripping morning till night on a 386 laptop I am in _NO_ rush to repeat that little trick :sad:

I am trying a sight called http.musicbrainz.org at the moment :) So far I only have 1200 unrecognised songs with 2800 pending and the rest identified...

If this works then it will be a big chunk of work out the way :D

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I dunno whether I should be laughing or just plain puzzled... You "ripped" MP3s from CDs on a 386?!?!?! That is pretty much insane. Are you sure it didn't take you longer than that? LOL. It seems like such an operation would be more of a slow painful tearing rather than "ripping". The MP3s must have encoded in less-than realtime eh? ROTFL!

Plus I can't see the CD drive in there being especially fast either, getting the wav information must have been pretty slow as well. And then how big was the HDD in that thing? Like 800MB if you're *really* lucky (unless you put in something bigger but still without overlays a 386 BIOS could probably only handle like 504MB or 2.xGB tops eh?)...

This list of how this seems to be a ridiculous operation could go on I suppose--like I said doing that on a 386 is sheer insanity. The funny part is the MP3s you made with the 386 probably wouldn't even playback on that same computer! I remember that 486s in the range of 100-120Mhz could not handle MP3 playback well.

This just *begs* the question, why on earth would you make MP3s from CDs on a 386??? It boggles the mind! LOL

Anyway all that aside, try a program called Tag & Rename. It's a great tagging program and can do a lot of things including downloading track/album/artist/etc. information from Amazon (.com or .co.uk and perhaps other Amazon sites); or from CDDB; and I believe from another service as well. So it's got you covered multiple ways there. Also you can rename filenames from tags and vice versa. It is actually amazing (to me at least) how many things you can do with MP3 tags with the program...

Of course I doubt it would run on a 386, so let's hope you don't still have that thing kicking around! hahaha

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I am on the 30 day trial for Tag&Rename right now. So far it works great! I wanted to try it as MusicMatch (which I normally use for tagging Mp3) crashed on me awhile back and corrupted several album tags. So I needed something else to fix it, as interestingly enough WMP, SS, and even Creative's Media Centre do not actually write any tags "to file", they add them to their own proprietary database or something.

Anyway give Tag&Rename a try. Perhaps you can fix all your files within the 30 day trial, like I did.

Edited by maxthrusters
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I dunno whether I should be laughing or just plain puzzled... You "ripped" MP3s from CDs on a 386?!?!?! That is pretty much insane. Are you sure it didn't take you longer than that? LOL. It seems like such an operation would be more of a slow painful tearing rather than "ripping". The MP3s must have encoded in less-than realtime eh? ROTFL!

Plus I can't see the CD drive in there being especially fast either, getting the wav information must have been pretty slow as well. And then how big was the HDD in that thing? Like 800MB if you're *really* lucky (unless you put in something bigger but still without overlays a 386 BIOS could probably only handle like 504MB or 2.xGB tops eh?)...

This list of how this seems to be a ridiculous operation could go on I suppose--like I said doing that on a 386 is sheer insanity. The funny part is the MP3s you made with the 386 probably wouldn't even playback on that same computer! I remember that 486s in the range of 100-120Mhz could not handle MP3 playback well.

This just *begs* the question, why on earth would you make MP3s from CDs on a 386??? It boggles the mind! LOL

Anyway all that aside, try a program called Tag & Rename. It's a great tagging program and can do a lot of things including downloading track/album/artist/etc. information from Amazon (.com or .co.uk and perhaps other Amazon sites); or from CDDB; and I believe from another service as well. So it's got you covered multiple ways there. Also you can rename filenames from tags and vice versa. It is actually amazing (to me at least) how many things you can do with MP3 tags with the program...

Of course I doubt it would run on a 386, so let's hope you don't still have that thing kicking around! hahaha

My mistake the laptop was a p3 not a 386 :( It was still painfull though. Yes its still knocking around, although I have a 3.2g vaio desktop and a 3.0g toshiba as my current working machines... In the end the musicbrainz site left me with 2500 unidentified tracks (too much work by a longshot) when I ripped them first time round most of them resovled using freedb.

Thanks for the tip on Tag and Rename :) I will give that a try over the weekend...

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