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Converting the Equipment Browser to Wiki


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Beginning soon, there will be an ongoing project to convert the Equipment Browser to Wiki format.+++

I've investigated the options, and it appears that there is an add-on for Invision Power Board that allows a seamless log-in between the forum and a MediaWiki (like the system on wikipedia.com). I've always toyed around with the idea of the Equipment Browser becoming more streamlined and easier to access, edit, and so on. I believe this is the key. I will be purchasing the add-on and setting up the Wiki soon. Obviously, this is a monumental task that will require alot of effort, but if a few good people work together it shouldn't be too difficult.

If you are a Premium Member or VIP, you will have full editing access. I will construct a set of guidelines and perhaps a format we can all adhere to. Is there anyone else who would like to participate?

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Will the units in the Product Pictorials forum be used for this? Or, will you keep using stock pics for the new Wiki Equipment Browser? Since only Premiums and VIP can edit, I'd be happy to pair up with one (or more) of them and help out.

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I think an equipment browser in wiki-sphere is indeed a very good idea. I'm sure more people might get more into MD that way too, apart from making it handier to the current hardcore of MD-users.

Wouldn't it be great if one day everyone would be sharing their Md's like we used to do with tapes until the mid-90's?

I mean burning cd's is fine, but md is more practical really. Scratchproof, compact... ok I don't need to convince anyone on this forum, i'm just rattling on...

we already do a trade at the other forum.....

but what exactly do we have to do to help out? i might be interested in giving a hand.

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Well this is great news!

A MediaWiki equipment browser would be very cool.

I was looking at some of the earlier MD decks in the equipment browser the other day - 19" rack mount minidisc deck!! B)

Now if only there were decks available for Hi-MD... :wacko:

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I think this is a fantastic idea! My knowledge is probably limited compared to most people here, but I would love to help in any way possible. I'm all for the idea of putting the product pictorials pictures in there as well as extensive user reviews from whoever wants to submit one. And like the wizard of oz said, I think this will definitely help get more people into minidiscs. Even with the equipment browser now, I still had to ask questions to be 100% on what unit I wanted as my first purchase.

I'm very excited for the prospects this has behind it! Count me in!

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