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Download Troubles


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Hey guys, I downloaded the drivers for all HI-MD devices since I plan on buying one someday, yet the blastard web site won't let me download any of the SonicStage programs. It's rather frustrating since I don't want to mess around with those silly downloader programs which force me to hav eEVERY computer I want to use it on connected to the blasted internet to install it. I keep getting a forbidden access page which also says 404 error. Is it because I have the basic of th ebasic memberships? If that's the case I'm logging out for good right now, it's silly to make a supposedly free forum then force members to pay for the downloads. I'd go through the Hell of downloading it every time I need to use it just to spite such roguery. If anyone has some idea what is going on here, please let me know. Sincerely, James.

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Lose the ill temper. This is an entirely user-generated, member-friendly board--nothing to do with Sony.

Every member can download. You may have to sign in a second time, I'm not sure. Or there may be a problem with your cookies or javascript settings. Or the file may have mysteriously disappeared from the board, which happens sometimes.

You can also try the Rapidshare download of 4.2 that Avrin stashed.


4.2 is the best version unless you have Vista, which means your only choice is 4.3.

More information and choices at this thread:


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  Laidler said:
Hey guys, I downloaded the drivers for all HI-MD devices since I plan on buying one someday, yet the blastard web site won't let me download any of the SonicStage programs. It's rather frustrating since I don't want to mess around with those silly downloader programs which force me to hav eEVERY computer I want to use it on connected to the blasted internet to install it. I keep getting a forbidden access page which also says 404 error. Is it because I have the basic of th ebasic memberships? If that's the case I'm logging out for good right now, it's silly to make a supposedly free forum then force members to pay for the downloads. I'd go through the Hell of downloading it every time I need to use it just to spite such roguery. If anyone has some idea what is going on here, please let me know. Sincerely, James.

Wow , 1rst post and no introduction , no real questions , just straight to Blasting ???? hmm Logging for good huh , good riddance See ya

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  Guitarfxr said:
Wow , 1rst post and no introduction , no real questions , just straight to Blasting ???? hmm Logging for good huh , good riddance See ya

For your information mate, I'm here to stay, since others seem to realize I'm not blasting but speaking from frustration, especially with all the horror stories out there about Sony's crappy software. And I've been to countless 'free' sites which say 'oh, you want to actually do stuff here? Well, it's gonna cost ya.' So if you're not going to be helpful, and actually read more into the message and see that it's nothing personal to yourself or the forum, I'd rather you not said anything at all. If anyone were as desperate for some information as I was, I really wouldn't care if the tone was that frustrated snippy tone, just as long as it isn't snippy for the sake of being snippy. One simply has to be able to see the difference. Plus, what's this hang up with introductions? This isn't exactly a country club here. If I ruffled your feathers a bit, it's not your place to make a public spectacle of the whole matter. At least send a private message telling me you found offense, and to please tone it down a bit, instead of going right to the public rooms and saying 'see ya.' It's just like running straight to the teacher when there was a simple little misunderstanding which if properly talked through, could be resolved before involving more people than necessary. I'm not there to piss people off, just to get information, and pardon me if I'm a bit frazzled by the 100,000 different stories I keep getting all over the place, it does tend to wear on the nerves. So in short, have a bit more patience with people, you may find they're not so bad upon closer inspection.

Really sorry about the temper mate, I've been pulled a thousand different directions trying to figure out what's what. Thank you very much for your information, it was quite helpful, I appreciate it. I'll tone myself down a bit, I do get out of hand more than a bit too much. Again, thanks for the info.

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Look , anyone with common courtesy to go into the bank and ask the teller about a 500 dollar check , that never made it to the account , is going to get help . It is a Big problem , and not one to be ignored .

But the Person who comes in screaming and ranting and throwing stuff is going to go to jail . Same 500 dollars

Issue hasnt changed .

I would have been happy to dig a link up for you and have done so many times for many different people on this forum

I quote you

"If that's the case I'm logging out for good right now, it's silly to make a supposedly free forum then force members to pay for the downloads."

Your still here ................

There are plenty of people having problems with SS , and there are experts here to fix it . They have MORE experience with SS , than I do With Studio Gear , and if you even remotely knew who I was you would know the respect of which I just referred to these people with .

I think that a little respect , when walking into the door of someone else's house is deserved . And if you walked into my home that way ................

I understand about the 100,000 pulls ....... and as for others understanding the first words he typed was " Lose the Ill Temper"

1968 posts to your 1 ........... well ,.......... 2 excuse me .

have a beer , or two then come back and talk . (Suggested by the Term "Mate " I would say Killians Red , or Abott Ale would do nicely)My Treat

Edited by Guitarfxr
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  Guitarfxr said:
Look , anyone with common courtesy to go into the bank and ask the teller about a 500 dollar check , that never made it to the account , is going to get help . It is a Big problem , and not one to be ignored .

But the Person who comes in screaming and ranting and throwing stuff is going to go to jail . Same 500 dollars

Issue hasnt changed .

I would have been happy to dig a link up for you and have done so many times for many different people on this forum

I quote you

"If that's the case I'm logging out for good right now, it's silly to make a supposedly free forum then force members to pay for the downloads."

Your still here ................

There are plenty of people having problems with SS , and there are experts here to fix it . They have MORE experience with SS , than I do With Studio Gear , and if you even remotely knew who I was you would know the respect of which I just referred to these people with .

I think that a little respect , when walking into the door of someone else's house is deserved . And if you walked into my home that way ................

I understand about the 100,000 pulls ....... and as for others understanding the first words he typed was " Lose the Ill Temper"

1968 posts to your 1 ........... well ,.......... 2 excuse me .

have a beer , or two then come back and talk . (Suggested by the Term "Mate " I would say Killians Red , or Abott Ale would do nicely)My Treat

I have to admit I did come in here rather like a mad man. I'd have use the term 'like a bull in a china shop,' but it seem untrue after that Mythbusters episode. Lol. The point is, you're right, I came in ranting and screaming at the people here who have neither said nor done anything to me to warrant such rash and vile behaveiour. It seems all the bollox and rubbish I've slammed into online rather made me see red, and I didn't take enough of a breather to at least give this site a proper go and write a calm, if somewhat frustrated toned question. I'd like to blame Sony and their rediculously stupid software, but that would be a cop out. A very bad one. These forums are meant for clear, coherent questins, and one must remember that every time one signs in. What I'm trying to say in my wordy, roundabout way is I'm sorry for acting like an arrogant pig of a man. Sorry guys, what you do is a good thing, and shouldn't be ruined by a few idiots, namely me.

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  Laidler said:
I have to admit I did come in here rather like a mad man. I'd have use the term 'like a bull in a china shop,' but it seem untrue after that Mythbusters episode. Lol. The point is, you're right, I came in ranting and screaming at the people here who have neither said nor done anything to me to warrant such rash and vile behaveiour. It seems all the bollox and rubbish I've slammed into online rather made me see red, and I didn't take enough of a breather to at least give this site a proper go and write a calm, if somewhat frustrated toned question. I'd like to blame Sony and their rediculously stupid software, but that would be a cop out. A very bad one. These forums are meant for clear, coherent questins, and one must remember that every time one signs in. What I'm trying to say in my wordy, roundabout way is I'm sorry for acting like an arrogant pig of a man. Sorry guys, what you do is a good thing, and shouldn't be ruined by a few idiots, namely me.

Must have been a very good beer !

Welcome to MdCF

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I appreciate the frustration, but let's try a keep a lid on the sniping. Unfortunately the downloads section is in need of an overhaul. The 4.0 full installer is not available anymore either because the file has been moved or deleted from the server. Unfortunately I don't have full access to the server or some of the other areas of the admin console to be able to recitfy this - only Chris can do this but unfortunately he has been MIA for a while.

I suggest using Avrin's link to 4.2 (or if you need a copy of 4.3 please PM me).



* topic moved to Comments & Suggestions section

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