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shipping to Canada

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  netmduser said:
Hello MD'rs has anyone been able to ship and receive the following to Canada?


Is it possible?


Funny you should ask that. Yes.

But I went a very funny way around it. They were willing to have FedEx (or presumably any other courier) pick it up from their warehouse. But the cost was going to be $165. Ouch!

So I found myself an Aussie friend willing to take delivery and throw away the charger (useless here), and he came to the US and sent by FedEx second day here. Cleared nicely. So my shipping cost was (apart from the friendship cost!) $30 plus $18 customs clearance including GST/PST and $7 fee. Way better than UPS, for sure.

BTW, I think the guy purporting to sell this unit (Ebay) in the USA is selling NH600D's (ie not this unit). I never got an answer from him, so won't deal with someone who doesn't reply to questions.

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