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Type in the website URL directly in your browser. The forum is still accessible.

Been doing that for the past month or so, ever since it stopped coming up as the first hit on Google. If you now type in www.atraclife.com All you get is some other site using that domain name. Try it. The forums have gone even though there was the promise of them being left open

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Hmm, I wonder if it's one of these redirected IP's. Probably the forum *is* accessible but needs a more convoluted reference. Meantime, as you say, it appears to have been "hijacked" (probable cause, someone didn't pay for the domain name).

I own a forum myself and the problem is that many of them are on a shared IP with some sort of redirect. If the hoster broke it, or the redirection failed for reasons beyond his control, somehow the name has to be put back online.

I haven't taken time to check but the arin.net/whois should give some clues, as well as good old NetSol whois.

Before we do that, ask some of the posters here (kurisu?) who are involved in atraclife. I bet one of them knows what is going on.

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Been doing that for the past month or so, ever since it stopped coming up as the first hit on Google. If you now type in www.atraclife.com All you get is some other site using that domain name. Try it. The forums have gone even though there was the promise of them being left open

I just tried it earlier today and it was working. Now it's gone!

RIP Atraclife, but we all knew it was coming. I remember reading that the forums would be left open, no chance of that now. Sorry to say it but the site founders don't have too much of integrity to say the least.

Edited by kino170878
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It could just be an issue with the domain / server issue or possibly the site was hacked again as happened recently when it disappeared off google. (There was a hack attack on the blog page). I don't think it is closed, but I haven't been able to verify with Kurisu yet. It's no good jumping to hasty conclusions and to say the site owners have no integrity is downright untrue.

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